hello my name is christopher

It's not really a matter of knowing the person, you know? I do know some folks who have gone through this, and it's terribly traumatic for them. There's some on the forums here who have as well. There's just some things in life I don't see people can stomach making jokes about. Maybe because they personally haven't been around someone or know someone who has, who knows.

Most grown men with a social circle know someone who have gone through it. Hell, even my mother went through it at some point. But guess what! That fetus thing was still funny.

The thread title could just have been tagged as offensive, rather than forcing some pussy morality on all of us.
I know somebody who went through it as well. It happened to my aunt 6 months into the pregnancy. I was at the funeral, still have the little card, etc. Honestly, when I initially opened the thread, I was pretty disgusted at what I originally thought it was about, but after I realized that the reason for laughter was behind the reason for this woman to keep something that's actually dead as though it was alive, I felt very differently about it. I don't think that anybody was laughing about miscarriages per se, but rather the insanity of the woman's supposed rationale for treating hers as a living thing. If the thread was just about a grieving mother, then I would agree with you, but I didn't feel as though that was the purpose of the thread. However, your site, your decision, etc. :)

I agree, the pictures and lack of rationality on people's parts put it over the edge tbh though.
Someone made a thread featuring a picture of a woman cuddling her miscarried child as if it were a living baby, which got a lot of laughs from people, and then Deron closed the thread on grounds of tastelessness.
I'm drinking vodka right now. Hey I might go to MDF 2009 isn't that great? I might meet you guys and tell you you're all gay. I hope you all die.

People who have miscarriages are gay.