High School 1969 versus 2012


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
How true, i can remember most of the 1969 things happening just as they are written.

HIGH SCHOOL -- 1969 vs. 2012

Scenario 1:
Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.

1969 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack 's shotgun, goes to his car and gets his shotgun to show Jack .
2012 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.

Scenario 2:
Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.
1969 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.
2012 - Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both Johnny and Mark. They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it .

Scenario 3:
Jeffrey will not sit still in class, he disrupts other students.
1969 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.
2012 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. He becomes a zombie. He is then tested for ADD The family gets extra money (SSI) from the government because Jeffrey has a disability.

Scenario 4:
Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping.
1969 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and becomes a successful businessman..
2012 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse, Billy is removed to foster care and joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with the psychologist.

Scenario 5:
Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.
1969 - Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock ..
2012 - The police are called and Mark is expelled from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario 6:
Pedro fails high school English.
1969 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college.
2012 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English is then banned from core curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7:
Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.
1969 - Ants die.
2012 - ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called. Johnny is charged with domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents - and all siblings are removed from their home and all computers are confiscated. Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8:
Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee . He is found crying by his teacher, Mary hugs him to comfort him.
1969 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.
2012 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy.
I concur with all of this, even if I was 5 in 1969. The same holds true for 1978 as well. I DID bring just the shotgun barrels to school in 78, and did a demonstration speech on how to clean a gun. I got an A......instead of being arrested. Whenever I'm asked if I'd like to be a teenager again, I always say "yes" but I wouldn't want to be one now, only in the late 70s...
Oh Yes #3 would happen and it happens all the time. Social Security Disability is dished out for things like this everyday.
All of the 2012 scenarios are ridiculously exaggerated, if you seriously think these are accurate you should be ashamed of yourselves for having such a warped sense of how life works - not to mention thinking that beating children is and ever was "acceptable." I'm tolerant of you guys despite the fact we disagree on things from time to time, and think you're generally cool people, but this is ridiculous.

I mean really, of all the things to complain about, you feel "bad" about kids in 2012 because schools don't allow guns? This isn't a second amendment debate here (for the record I am for gun ownership rights) - guns have ZERO place in schools and if you SERIOUSLY think they do you should get checked into a mental health facility ASAP. No child should EVER be in possession of a firearm, and to pine for the days when this sort of thing may have been "acceptable" is just sad. If your child were to get killed by some kid with no experience or knowledge on how to use a gun, then you can talk about the "kids these days."

Secondly, while I am staunchly against this notion that our kids should be drugged up for every little thing because the parents aren't disciplinary enough - the school is not, nor could ever be legally responsible for perscribing drugs to children without parental consent. A school can't just prescribe some kid Ritalin and diagnose him with ADD just because he won't sit down. If you seriously think that's the norm, again - you should be ashamed of yourselves for having a warped sense of reality. I know. I have friends who teach.

I also find it funny that the kid would just up and "turn up fine" and become a "successful business man" because of the whipping. I mean, if he got whipped once - maybe, but psychological studies indicate that people who beat their children only do it because they themselves enjoy the feeling of dominance - it has nothing whatsoever to do with discipline. It is a barbaric practice. The end.

And the notion that a kid would be expelled for aspirin, seriously. Like school nurses don't give those away like candy anyways...
All of the 2012 scenarios are ridiculously exaggerated, if you seriously think these are accurate you should be ashamed of yourselves for having such a warped sense of how life works - not to mention thinking that beating children is and ever was "acceptable." I'm tolerant of you guys despite the fact we disagree on things from time to time, and think you're generally cool people, but this is ridiculous.

I mean really, of all the things to complain about, you feel "bad" about kids in 2012 because schools don't allow guns? This isn't a second amendment debate here (for the record I am for gun ownership rights) - guns have ZERO place in schools and if you SERIOUSLY think they do you should get checked into a mental health facility ASAP. No child should EVER be in possession of a firearm, and to pine for the days when this sort of thing may have been "acceptable" is just sad. If your child were to get killed by some kid with no experience or knowledge on how to use a gun, then you can talk about the "kids these days."

Secondly, while I am staunchly against this notion that our kids should be drugged up for every little thing because the parents aren't disciplinary enough - the school is not, nor could ever be legally responsible for perscribing drugs to children without parental consent. A school can't just prescribe some kid Ritalin and diagnose him with ADD just because he won't sit down. If you seriously think that's the norm, again - you should be ashamed of yourselves for having a warped sense of reality. I know. I have friends who teach.

I also find it funny that the kid would just up and "turn up fine" and become a "successful business man" because of the whipping. I mean, if he got whipped once - maybe, but psychological studies indicate that people who beat their children only do it because they themselves enjoy the feeling of dominance - it has nothing whatsoever to do with discipline. It is a barbaric practice. The end.

And the notion that a kid would be expelled for aspirin, seriously. Like school nurses don't give those away like candy anyways...

It's a funny joke...not an invitation to a debate...

Lighten the fuck up...

troll strikes again.

I do want to reiterate though (even if it means giving trollfood to my troll stalker troll) to all you guys that my post is only directed if you guys actually do take that seriously and don't accept it as a silly exaggeration. If it's the latter, sorry!
It's a funny joke...not an invitation to a debate...QUOTE]

Except that it wasn't that funny. More like a mix of misplaced nostalgia (I'm guessing if you were gay or a minority going to high school in 1969 was somewhat less of a paradise on Earth) and fear-based over-exagerration of how today's schools work.

And it's the internet. Everything is an invitation to debate.
God, come on guys it was meant as humor(though some might not think so, sorry). Not many of you were even alive in 1969( I was 18), it was a different time and place, and yes Justin back then Gays stayed in the closet it wasn't a good time for them, and that holds true in alot of High Schools today also. Minorities, well it was hard in most cases, but not always. But everyone is entitled to their opinion, and can debate it, so have fun.
If anyone takes this post completely literally, they are naive.

By the same token, if anyone doesn't believe it is rooted in truth, they are equally naive.
How true, i can remember most of the 1969 things happening just as they are written.

I can only speak from my own experience (high school 1983-1987):

Scenario 1:

If a white kid brought a gun to school, it would be quietly confiscated, and the white kid would face expulsion (meaning they would have to finish high school at Kittredge/Open Campus…aka the party school). If a black kid brought a gun to school, then, yes, the black kid would go to jail (but it would've been kept quiet).

Scenario 2:

In 1985, some friends and I got in to a fight with some black guys in the parking lot after school (pretty big fight…probably 20 or so people involved). The police were called (unbeknownst to us, of course), and a SHIT-TON of cops came and broke everything up. The black dudes (at least the ones who didn’t haul ass when the cops showed up) were arrested, and we white dudes headed on home for dinner.

(The cops then spent the next week or so keeping four patrol units on the property guarding our school, because the rumor was that the gang known as “DOWN BY LAW” were going to come kill all the honkeys involved in the fight…then, of course, the next rumor stated that THE OUTLAWS MC were going to come and kill the DOWN BY LAW dudes…GOOD TIMES!).

Scenario 3:

NONE of us would ever sit still in class, so there was nothing they could really do about it…THE MOB RULES, BITCHES!

That said, I did know people who used to steal shit like Ritalin to try to get fucked up.

Scenario 4:

Nobody (except me) actually had a Dad...I’m from the “latchkey kid” generation, where everybody used to bitch about their “Mom’s boyfriend”.

If I broke a window, then, yeah, my Dad would’ve beat my ass; if a friend of mine would have broken a window, they would’ve told their Mom to “shut her twat” (if their Mom every actually came home and had a clue what was going on).

Scenario 5:

Aspirin was plentiful, and I used to smoke weed with the two Rent-a-Pigs out on the smoking dock.

Scenario 6:

I never met a Pedro until after I graduated and started working construction. While I was still in high school, all the foreign kids were Korean and Vietnamese…that area of town, called Chamblee, was often referred to as “Chambodia”. Most of these kids could not speak a word of English, and they all graduated (probably with grades better than mine).

Scenario 7:

We used to blow up ALL our shit with firecrackers (that we had to smuggle in from Tennessee and Alabama).

Scenario 8:

We had a female teacher just out of college that I guess would now be considered a sexual predator…but, at the time, we thought she was AWESOME. Some dudes definitely ended up with scraped knees after spending detention with her!

Ah, the good old days...life really was much simpler a quarter century ago :lol:
Ha, I finally figured out how this is actually funny. The 2012 examples are basically nothing more than the fever-dreams of old white people, but if any of those ridiculous things *did* maybe occur once in some town somewhere, it's only because the people running the police departments, school districts, and other government organizations in 2012 are the d-bags who were in high school in 1969! So it's really a cleverly subversive way to point out how much that generation sucks! :lol:

I believe, just the other day an asthmatic girl was expelled from school, for borrowing another kid's inhaler, because she either didn't have hers, or hers was out.

So much for that asprin point that supposedly won't happen...