Hour of 13 on indefinite hiatus


Sep 19, 2008
Wheaton, IL
Saw this on their twitter, then exanded it to their Facebook. Judging by this, I'm assuming they are no longer a part of Ragnarokkr.

"It is with heavy heart that I must announce that Hour of 13 is on an indefinite hiatus. The 1one remaining show at Martyrdoom Fest 2013 in New York City will go on as planned, but after that no shows no interviews and no records. The massive lack of support for this band weighs heavily. Fan support is unmatched, but all other aspects support wise is a huge factor in this decision. We cannot be expected to give all and receive nothing in return.

I thank it everyone of you for your message support you have shown throughout the years and hopefully this matter will be resolved and we will return, but at this point after June we are no more.

Regards to all,
This isn't a surprise to some of us who have been involved in getting them here.

I am extremely bummed.

Bob and Odin will be happy to have less doom at least!
Anyone see David Gilmore reunite with Roger Waters at the one LIVE AID a couple years back?
Yeah, sometimes its better to NOT honor a commitment when you know it will be painful for the audience to watch!!!!

Still a major bummer.
They were the one main "IT" band playing the fest this year who is on a bigger label and current.
Anyone see David Gilmore reunite with Roger Waters at the one LIVE AID a couple years back?
Yeah, sometimes its better to NOT honor a commitment when you know it will be painful for the audience to watch!!!!

Still a major bummer.
They were the one main "IT" band playing the fest this year who is on a bigger label and current.

I wouldnt call them an "IT" band. They didnt get that many people talking or getting worked up like some other announcements did.
I beg to differ, but that's fine.
I think this was a major fence sitter band for a lot of people, due to them actually being a current band.

Sucks. They will be missed!
all the bands are current. Unless you live in an alternate dimension where time travel is common.

Sleepy Hollow - have a new album out from last year.

Split Heaven - have a new album in the works. Have two already under their belt.

Oz - released a new one last year. Plus play lots of shows out in europe.

October 31 - have a new one out at end of the year.

Seax - new one getting worked on and have one from a year ago and play lots of shows.

Viking - working on a new album after a hiatus.

hhhmmmmm looks like a lot of bands are actually "it" bands. Dont see anything different from Hour of 13 than these bands?

sure you have bands like Shok Paris and Tyrants Reign who are not fully active but play fest or special shows. But the others are all normally active bands. The second stage is almost full of all active bands.
Current in the same way that Motorhead is a "current" band -- yeah, they're still active, but they're a classic band. Not a new/current one.
a band is a band....so there is a difference if one started 3 years ago to one say started 12 years ago? if they still put out quality stuff it really doesnt matter. Have we really come to worrying about how long and who is "current" now? Sure it is great to get younger bands playing....but I wouldnt even put them as a younger act.

On the plus side the "beard" quota is now open again.
Bob - Seriously dude. You are coming off as a fool.

You are seriously comparing Hour of 13 who are on Earache and play European doom festivals to Seax, Oct 31, Split Heaven, Sleepy Hollow, and Oz?

OK, I will go there, and say that Hour of 13 was the festival's "Hip" band, if you will.

I am not trying to take anything away from any of the other bands.
Bob - Seriously dude. You are coming off as a fool.

You are seriously comparing Hour of 13 who are on Earache and play European doom festivals to Seax, Oct 31, Split Heaven, Sleepy Hollow, and Oz?

OK, I will go there, and say that Hour of 13 was the festival's "Hip" band, if you will.

I am not trying to take anything away from any of the other bands.

the only fool here is yourself who thinks that Hour of 13 are above any other bands since it is a band you like and pushed to get on the fest. All these bands play euro fest. doest it make them any better??? nope.:fu:
You guys are doing a pretty good job arguing, so I'll only comment on one thing... It is starting to anger me (moving up from annoying) that people always hold these European festivals up on a pedestal. This is becoming a huge problem.

Bands: Bands are willing to pay several thousand of dollars to go play these things. That is why playing European festivals can't be used as an argument. Most of the US bands pay to play at festivals like KIT. They will not do the same thing over here. I know the reasons why so I don't want to hear someone trying to explain it to me.

Fans: Fans in the US will pay out thousands of dollars to go to these festivals...then bitch that a US show an hour away is too far. There are a few festivals in the US that could get more US bands if they had more support. If you want to assign blame, go look in the mirror.
the only fool here is yourself who thinks that Hour of 13 are above any other bands since it is a band you like and pushed to get on the fest. All these bands play euro fest. doest it make them any better??? nope.:fu:

I never said they were "Above" any other band.
I love them, but there are other bands playing this year that I am an equal or even bigger fan of than Hour of 13.

You had always said you guys wanted current bands to bring in different people. This was how I always viewed Hour of 13.

Odin - I only brought up Euro fests as an example due to the large volume of them as compared to the number of fests catering to true metal here in the States.
God Fucking Damnit. This is fucking horrible news. Hour of 13 were my most anticipated band to see. If Chad needs someone to fucking sing for him, I can get on that damn stage and sing all the songs.