How one band can ruin it for all others ... aka I hate Bloodhound Gang

Claus / Intromental

20 years of uniting the powers of metal
I need to vent:

I don't know if y'all have seen this thing, but basically Bloodhound Gang decided to behave like the assholes they always looked like, and made a very obscene gesture w the Russian flag at their latest show in Russia.

Because of this, the Russian authorities have decided to stop issuing visas right now for other bands.

Why do I care? Because this has thrown a wrench in the gears of our upcoming European tour for Leprous, which was supposed to have a show or two in Russia ... now we might have to cancel those shows in Russia until the authorities re-evaluate it all.

Gosh, I really hate ignorant bastards like Bloodhound Gang.

Allright, carry on ...
I've heard a couple Bloodhound Gang songs on the radio over the years, but other than that I'm not very familiar with their music and don't know much about them. So I can't say I have much of an opinion about what they choose to do with pieces of cloth. However, it definitely sucks that some bureaucrats or autocrats have made booking the Leprous tour harder. So... sorry to hear about that.
While I can't (and won't) even come close to defending the actions of the band, why not put more on the blame on Russia for overreacting? To ban all bands based on the actions of one band that basically made their name with crass humor just does not make sense, nor does it seem like a utilitarian response. The BHG acted exactly as one might anticipate; but the Russian government did not act in a way that seems fitting of the situation or their responsibility to their citizens etc. Kinda like the person that channels their anger at the person their spouse is having an affair with, rather than their spouse ;)
I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes.
I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes.

I am sorry you hold such a low opinion of everyone who attends this show. Not everyone who goes to Atlanta every September is a jingoistic dick who takes offense at anything that might seem anti-American. I lay the blame on the band, not the reaction of the people the band provoked.

That said, I think that any band member that desecrates a flag shows disrespect for the audience, the promoter, and the venue as well as the country...and if the country decides to make an example of them, they do so with an unintended but good side effect...maybe that band has a harder time booking everywhere as a result.
:I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes"

I don't disagree with AngraRULES on that score but I doubt the US government would respond with such a heavy hand that extended to all bands of a given genre. Sabaton is already falling victim to this mess and they had nothing to do with it (at least based on a FB post shout...who knows if that is REALLY them or someone officially associated with the band).

This is the same country that prosecuted Pussy Riot for protesting against Putin. In the case of the Russian response to BHG's theatrics, Putin and his administration are trying to fan nationalistic flames and paint matters as an "us" verses "them" matter.

Many Americans would be angry with such stuff directed against the Stars and Stripes but the effect would be mostly financial as some people would just not spend money supporting the bands in question. I think the State department could not care less.
I am sorry you hold such a low opinion of everyone who attends this show.

Show me where I said exactly that. I have low opinions of certain people who are tactless dicks on the forum. Thats about it.

Not everyone who goes to Atlanta every September is a jingoistic dick who takes offense at anything that might seem anti-American. I lay the blame on the band, not the reaction of the people the band provoked.

I know. And am glad to hear you're smart enough to blame the band.

That said, I think that any band member that desecrates a flag shows disrespect for the audience, the promoter, and the venue as well as the country...and if the country decides to make an example of them, they do so with an unintended but good side effect...maybe that band has a harder time booking everywhere as a result.

Look, we agree again!
I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes.

Absolutely not.

Shock, political incorrectness, religious offensiveness, and all that comes with it has been a part of rock from the start. From GG and Iggy, Sex Pistols and the Stones, Cooper, The Beatles, you name it -- rock has never been 'safe'. And BHG is a rock band, and one clearly offensive.

It is not BHG's fault that the Russian government overreacted. You can't predict that kind of thing and can't reasonably expect someone to plan for it. Would it have been their fault if the promoter decided not to pay them? Or band them from the venue? Or any other typical outcomes? Sure, probably. With this, the blame lies ENTIRELY with Russia.

You wouldn't blame an actor for dissing the ex-girlfriend of a director he's not working with and having the director flip out and shut down production of his movie.

You wouldn't blame an athlete for telling another team's coaches son that he smells bad, and the coach flipping out and selling the team.

So why blame BHG for an absolute, objective overreaction on Russia's part?
I'd file an act like Bloodhound Gang's under "not too bright; unsurprising if they're banned from touring in that country again."

Pulling visas for everyone else (not to mention having the band physically assaulted) is a total overreaction on Russia's part - and honestly, they're not too deserving of tourist dollars right now anyway.
Show me where I said exactly that.

Look, I don't want to get into a petty back and forth, but you did say "all of you would be offended and pissy", so I think that is where people took issue with your statement. I agree some or many would be be offended, but not all (myself included).

But even if you were right, and all of a different group might get pissy and angry and call for a ban of all bands, that is not a logical argument. Just because group A would react similarly irrational to group B has no bearing on the merit of either position. It is like the child that goes to the parent and says, "yea, but he did it too".

Regardless, perhaps we should all agree that there was enough stupidity to go around in this situation, which led to an unfortunate outcome. Otherwise I'm guessing the thread is likely to be locked
Look, I don't want to get into a petty back and forth, but you did say "all of you would be offended and pissy", so I think that is where people took issue with your statement. I agree some or many would be be offended, but not all (myself included).

You're right, and I take that back. Let's go with "a lot of people around here."

But even if you were right, and all of a different group might get pissy and angry and call for a ban of all bands, that is not a logical argument. Just because group A would react similarly irrational to group B has no bearing on the merit of either position. It is like the child that goes to the parent and says, "yea, but he did it too".

I'm not sure I get what you're saying, but it honestly doesn't matter. I am not happy about what happened for the same reason as Claus - one of the bands in our roster may not get to play there because of a moron in BhG.

Regardless, perhaps we should all agree that there was enough stupidity to go around in this situation, which led to an unfortunate outcome. Otherwise I'm guessing the thread is likely to be locked

Agreed there.
I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes.

Last I checked, America was still allowing bands to play, despite the fact that all of Texas and most of Kentucky hate the Dixie Chicks.
I love how some of you feel like the country is overreacting, but I guarantee if someone did that with an American flag at ProgPower, all of you would be offended and pissy. Don't blame it all on Russia. It's the band's fault for being moronic assholes.

It is the band's fault, but it's stupid to ban any further bands due to one incident from a joke band.