I am not Ralf Scheepers...

you guys look like Right Said Fred.


Nah. I think Zod, and Ralf would kick the hell out of these guys.

I must have heard the Ralf comparison at least a dozen times over the course of ProgPower weekend. I now offer indisputable evidence... I am not Ralf


By the way, he's a heck of a nice guy.


HAHA yeah! I remember asking you at the hotel if you were asked for any autorgaphs. :lol: TOO funny. Ahh I still haven't seen our "celebrity" pic.
Did you guys discuss, in any detail, Scheepers' early works in Tyran Pace?
Yep. He told me he got the idea for Tyran Pace after hearing Painkiller.:loco:
Zod, I love your Primal Fear shirt you're wearing on that picture!!! AWESOME!!
LOL. Actually, that's a very cool shirt. I prefer band shirts that aren't a plain black T with the band's latest disc artwork on it.

Nah. I think Zod, and Ralf would kick the hell out of these guys.
So long as Ralf agrees to handle the bigger of the two Right Said Fredders.
BTW, Zod, good to meet ya at PP at last!
You too Bro.:kickass:
