I just wanted to say ...


German Scum
Feb 17, 2007
that "My Arms Your Hearse" is the fucking BEST ... and absolutely FUKKIN! BEST! Album of all time.

I just listened to it, like every day. But tonight it was ... kinda magic!
Every note, every word in the lyrics is so dramatic ... so .. just simply amazing. Ive listened to this album (and to all their albums) about 1023581051 times.... but its still ... teh fukkin best.
I cannot even describe, what i feel, when i listen to "April Ethereal" for example.

And now i want to thank Opeth for making this Music.
Noone can imagine what it means to me, and myself... Maybe some of you think similar. This is MUCH more than just music. it is ... a part of my life. and no other band can replace Opeth in my whole life. I envy people who never listened to Opeth, because for them it could be a completely new music expirience. Im so happy that i listen to metal, and that i "found" this band for me. i cant describe it in words :)

maybe this thread is so uunnecessary ... but i just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys.

feel free to flame or something ;)
My Arms, Your Hearse is also my personal favourite Opeth album.
The way the whole thing opens with the piano in the rain, and then jumps to the majesty that is "April Ethereal".:worship:

All time favourite album? Not quite, but still so awesome that is shakes the fucking floor each time I put it on.
I'm going to say Blackwater Park.

Personally, this was the first Opeth album I got into. Recommended by a friend when it came out, it has totally changed my perspective of music on all levels. I was completely one-dimensional with music: if it wasn't slayer, pantera, metallica, et al., I usually dismissed it automatically.

4 minutes into Leper Affinity and I was interested, but Harvest....now that song was what did it.

Still my favorite to this day.
I must say that both MAYH and Still Life are amazing stories that affect me in ways that are hard to put into words. The music itself tells these stories even without the lyrics. And the lyrics, by the way, are amazing. I get chills while listening to MAYH. I also think that The Moor is the perfect opener for Still Life, and in my opinion, one of the greatest album openers for any band/album. It just sets the pace for the entire album and story.

I can't say which album I like better. I guess it depends on my mood, or which ever one is playing at the time.
I heard Still Life in late 99, and liked it but didn't love it, mainly due to that fact I had never heard metal like that. It was BWP that ended up catching more of my attention and then made me go back to Still Life; and then chronologically backwards. So bwp got me really into them, but overall over time, I would say Still Life is my favorite, then bwp, mayh, orchid, morningrise, deliverence, damnation then gr; probabaly in that order, but the last 5 in my list change around a bit.
MAYH is my favourite album of the "older" Opeth, and quite possibly my favourite Opeth album ever. Tracks like April Etheral, When, Madrigal, Demon of the Fall, Credence (WOW), and the Epilogue are just magical. Its the perfect fusion of the twin guitar melody thingy of their first 2, and the not so twin guitar melody thingy of their later work....if you get me. Oh and the clean, softer sections are just lush. Almost jazzy, in a way. Or something, I have a bit of a hard time describing it lol.
I've always held Still Life as their best album, and have done so since fricking 1999, but I think it's best to get out of the closet and admit that, OH Hell's YEAH, My Arms Your Hearse is the Opeth masterpiece, thus by definition THE MASTERPIECE.

With that being said, I have come to the conclusion that Still Life may hold two of Opeth's best songs ever ('The Moor' and 'Serenity Painted Death'), but it also has 'Benighted' and 'Moonlapse Vertigo' which I'm not so keen on compared to the whole she-bang that is My Arms, where practically every second gives me spasms, ticks, the jizzfits & the whoaloa.
