ICS Vortex- So Many Bands, So Little Time

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
[imgleft]http://www.russell.ultimatemetal.com/Interview/ICS.jpg[/imgleft] by Ryan Starr

A few weeks ago, and I apologize for the tardiness of this, I got a chance to sit down with one of the figure heads of metal: ICS Vortex. Since he has done so much, and is still doing a lot, I really wanted to ask about his current bands, his perspective on the scene, and basically just find out if anything cool was going to happen with him in the future. Well, I got some very interesting answers. So I hope you enjoy this. Also, i plan on posting the audio files for this interview soon. So check back in a couple weeks to see if it's up.

Well I just had a couple questions about the tour then a couple questions about the other projects: Lamented Souls, Code, and all that.


So, you said the tour is going well, met any of the crazies yet?

Anything crazy? No I mean, fuck, we’re getting too old for the crazy stuff. We enjoy our alcohol, you know, and we have a good time on the bus, listening to music. Same stuff as before. Nothing totally over the top or anything like that anymore.

None of the crazy fans or anything?

There’s some, but we don’t bring them on the bus or whatever. We do the signing sessions and we keep mostly to ourselves these days.

Obviously Dimmu Borgir is kind of a big deal right now, as far as the metal scene goes. Do you think your success in the US has really put more focus on the black metal scene in general? Do you think its helping?

Oh for the states? Yeah, I hope so, and I think so too, absolutely. Especially since after the Ozzfest thing. That had a huge impact. We didn’t expect it to have that a big impact. Now, the best part is in the middle of nowhere we can go to a 24 Walmart, there will be people there that say ooh, there’s Vortex, or Shaggy and stuff like that, you know. It’s been liked that in Europe for a while. You can go to silly places like Sicily. You can walk into a fast food joint and there will be a dimmu fan there serving you burgers, which is super cool, and totally unexpected. It hits you that this band is fucking growing, it’s fucking huge now.

Awesome. So how many projects are you in now?

Good question. The Lamented Souls thing which I hope we’re going to be able to do something about that soon. There’s an album that we haven’t recorded yet. It’s been ready; it’s just been laying on the shelf for years and years and years. But we never get together, and it’s really sad because everyone in the band loves Lamented Souls and we’re really good friends. But we’ve been kind of spread around a little bit too, around Norway and shit. I don’t think we feel the pressure on that one. That’s just one of the things that’s going to be really cool to do, and enjoy releasing it. That’s probably going to be it for Lamented Souls. There’s going to be one new album, I don’t want to rush it or anything because I just want it to be as sweet as possible. The more contacts I get now through Dimmu and producers and stuff like that it’s going to be easier to release an album like that and I want it to sound as good as possible. So we’ll see. Another 5 years maybe, I have no idea. I hope not, but we’ll see what happens

What about Code?

Code is the thing that is most exciting these days actually. I’ve been writing lyrics for the album, on this tour. And that’s what I do these days actually on tour. I write lyrics for Code. In the morning, whenever, before a show and stuff and at the show we drink beer. He’s very happy, it’s like his life. I’m just very glad I’ve had the inspiration. I feel like I’m in a very good vibe now lyrically, and I haven’t had that since The Sideshow Symphonies with Arcturus. Which was an album I was very proud lyric wise, I think I did a fantastic job on the lyrics there. So, I hope Code is as good, it’s definitely going to be different because The Sideshow was a very dark album, and this is a little different atmosphere. It feels good to write these days. So that’s cool

Well, speaking of Arcturus, everyone knows you guys broke up. What happened? Was it just a scheduling thing?
Were you in Australia?

No, just once word gets out...

Yeah. I mean, Steiner, he does 97% of the music almost. He, I don’t know, has no inspiration, these days. I mean, that can come back again, I’m sure. He’s always been like that too; there’s been huge gaps in between every album.

Is there a chance the band can come back?

I don’t know. I mean, we’re still friends and all. We don’t hang out, or anything. But we’re friends and there’s no hard feelings and we all feel proud of each other, you know, with the albums and stuff. I was actually emailing the label manager for Arcturus because I want to do some remixing on that album. I think that’s very unprofessional to say because when people like an album you should just shut up, plus you grow fond of production anyway, if you like an album. But I want to do something about it, I’m not sure if that’s going to happen or not, but I think the album deserves that. We’ll see what happens. I mean, I’m super proud of it but I need a little bit more production on there.

(I’m not entirely sure what album he is referring to.)

I know you’ve talked about the whole Borknagar thing before. Given the chance now, would ever go back? Like be in Borknagar and Dimmu Borgir at the same time.

Um, I talked to Øystein a couple months ago and he sent me some new demo stuff. There’s one song, an old song, I think he’s had it since ’98, called 'My Domain', and its super cool and I definitely want to do that one. I’m not sure if I’m going to do a full length with Borknagar, that’s probably not going to happen.

But just like a couple in studio tracks.

At least I want to do that one song because I really really like it. And my best friend, Jens, is in the band again. So it would be very cool to be back, but I don’t think I have the time for a whole album. And I don’t know if I like the new material as much as I like the old material.

One last question, and it’s a goofy question, it’s a fan question. What do your parents think of what you play?

My mom actually went to the last concert we did in Oslo, in November. And I've been in the band for 10 years and she never approved. She’s one of the reasons I got in to black metal anyway, because she is a total Christian… she was a brainwashed nutcase pretty much. But luckily for her she got out of it, kind of. So yeah, she went to the concert and she was happy and she thought it was pretty cool. Even with the satanic imagery going on. That was kind of cool. My father always liked it but he always said “you need a real job, blah blah blah, when are you going to grow up and get a real job?”

And what does he think of it now? I mean, obviously, you’re touring the world...

Now he’s proud, he’s been like that for a couple of years. He stopped fucking bothering me, which is nice.

Well cool, that’s all I had. Any last words?

Eh, none of that. Now I’m going to go watch some alien vs. predator thing. I just had some Code lyrics finished today, so now its relaxation time.

Official Dimmu Borgir Website
Official Code Website
Official Borknagar Website

Official Nuclear Blast Website
Official Duplicate Website
Official Tabu Website
Official Displeased Website
Official Century Media Website

Official Dimmu Borgir Myspace
Official Lamented Souls Myspace
Official Code Myspace
Official Arcturus Myspace
Official Borknagar Myspace
ugh, why does he waste his time with Dimmu? I understand that Arcturus is dead and Borknagar isn't so great anymore, but there are much better ways he could spend his time (full time with Code, for instance).

In any case, I really hope Sideshow Symphonies gets remixed. It may be Arcturus' worst album, but it's still worth listening to, and some improved production would help it a lot.

I don't feel he's ever done a better performance than his first, on La Masquerade Infernale, but I still enjoy some of what he does.
'Quintessence' is one of my favourite black metal albums of all time, so i've always had a soft spot for ol' Vortex, and in my mind he's the best thing about Dimmu these days.
First off Borknagar have never been better...so That ends right there...Vintersorg is the man for that job...And Yeah He needs to leave dimmu and join a real band..cuz they suck now
"We would like to announce that Simen "Vortex" Hestenaes is not a part of Code and will not be taking part in the forthcoming album.

After successfully performing live with Code during the phenomenal shows this last year, the band have resolved to continue working with original vocalist Kvohst."
