I'm The Only One...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
Alright...let's play a game...

This was inspired by some recent ribbing that I received after a few fellow rock/metal fans went digging through the bowels of my collection...

What bands and/or albums do you have that you feel truly alone and/or isolated in appreciating?...for whatever reasons...?

I'll start...and there's a lot in my collection that I enjoy with pride but am still embarrassed about...but here's the 1st taste...

BRUCE WILLIS -- not many people know this, but Bruce released 2 albums in the last 80s under the (very respected) Motown Record label. Not only do I have both these albums in my collection, but I have purchased them 5 times: 1st one on cassette...then both albums on vinyl (which I still have), and then (somehow) purchased both albums on CDs (which I still have)...

While most of my collection is hard rock and metal, I do have a significant amount of blues. When random guests come over and want to hear "something they know," I play Bruce Willis as a joke...not because of the tunes...but because of an artist that they "know."

Anyway...I must be the only fan of Bruce's in this world (I do have an autographed t-shirt hanging in my closet)...anyone else have any embarassing guilty pleasures laying await in their collection?

I will reveal more of my dirty secrets after the rest of you have bared your souls....muwhahaha!

So...let me start...I'M THE ONLY ONE...that has both Bruce Willis albums...on vinyl and CD...WTF???!!!

Rock on!
Dream Child - Reaching the Golden Gates. I happen to know for a fact that I am the only human being on earth who loves this album.

Dream Child - Reaching the Golden Gates. I happen to know for a fact that I am the only human being on earth who loves this album.


There was an independent record store in my town that I would frequent about once a quarter to clean out their metal stock...and I saw this album sitting on the shelf for a few years, but never picked it up...

If I remember correctly, the sticker on the front indicated that they were the French version of Dream Theater...is that true?
I'll have to go with both of the Eddie and the Cruiser Soundtracks. I especially love the second one, Eddie Lives. I don't care what anyone else says, John Caffery sang some killer songs during the 80's. I also love his song, Hearts on Fire, from the Rocky IV soundtrack! The dude has a killer voice in my opinion. :worship: :lol:

I'll have to go with both of the Eddie and the Cruiser Soundtracks. I especially love the second one, Eddie Lives. I don't care what anyone else says, John Caffery sang some killer songs during the 80's. I also love his song, Hearts on Fire, from the Rocky IV soundtrack! The dude has a killer voice in my opinion. :worship: :lol:


i actually have both Eddie and the Cruisers discs...so you aren't alone in that one
i have discs from a band called Jupiter Blue - they are...well, i can't really describe them (synth pop glam?), but i have an odd affinity for them. of course, they are now defunct, but i have the 2 discs they put out

(however, i can't say i'm embarrassed by having these discs...i own my weirdness and let my freak flag fly - it's all about what appeals to each person, right?)

or perhaps i should own up to the soundtrack for the Little Mermaid...i do own that. that is almost cringe-worthy...
There was an independent record store in my town that I would frequent about once a quarter to clean out their metal stock...and I saw this album sitting on the shelf for a few years, but never picked it up...

If I remember correctly, the sticker on the front indicated that they were the French version of Dream Theater...is that true?

Not really. They're more of a neoclassical power metal band with some prog influences.

or perhaps i should own up to the soundtrack for the Little Mermaid...i do own that. that is almost cringe-worthy...

Not at all. The movie has a giant phallus on the cover. That makes you hard core for owning the soundtrack! :headbang:
Not at all. The movie has a giant phallus on the cover. That makes you hard core for owning the soundtrack! :headbang:

thanks booB, tis good to know what qualifies as "hard core" ... i was confused ;) tee hee

Yes, unfortunately, this quality makes you virtually un-blackmailable... :p

you know me well, Miss Shaye ;)

hell, with some of the stuff i have said and done in my life, if i were to run for president, i would prolly own up to all of it...and even some shit i haven't done :) hahahahaha

if i were to be embarrassed over music, it would be more about what i do NOT own or have not listened to rather than what i have

that being said, anyone know where i can get some Muppet songs and some Mister Rogers stuff? and yes, that is a serious request :saint:
Eddie & The Cruisers...had those on cassette...back in the day...pretty cool!

Here's another one to own up to...the entire Tokyo Blade discography...on BOTH vinyl and CD...what the hell is wrong with me?

Rock on!
I confess. I like The Backstreet Boys. Amongst metalheads, I would definitely be shunned. If they were still popular, I might not be alone. But I think even their fans when they were popular don't like them anymore.

Also a huge Andrew Lloyd Webber fangirl. As much as his material gets insulted and/or made fun of, I am beginning to think no one really likes ALW musicals except for me. :(

Loreena McKinnett and Enya also make me rather happy.
I confess. I like The Backstreet Boys. Amongst metalheads, I would definitely be shunned. If they were still popular, I might not be alone. But I think even their fans when they were popular don't like them anymore.

Also a huge Andrew Lloyd Webber fangirl. As much as his material gets insulted and/or made fun of, I am beginning to think no one really likes ALW musicals except for me. :(

Loreena McKinnett and Enya also make me rather happy.
i'm there on the Enya/Clannad stuff. Loreena, not so much

give me some Tommy Makem and the Clancy Brothers and my Irish heart is happy :)

oh yeah...i can also throw down with some ALW :)

you are not alone! (I even have some B'street Boys stuff...fear not. plus, i dig Miley Cyrus. let the shunning begin!)
I love every incarnation of ASIA. Always have, always will. I LOVE JUDAS PRIEST's "Turbo" album! I know a lot of people hate on it, but I totally dig it. It's a great hard rock...not heavy metal album.
The Essence Of Glory by Domain.
granted i havent asked around...but ive never heard anyone mention this band anywhere

Independent by Sacred Reich
again...havent gone looking, but havent heard mention of these guys by anyone else. love this album.
Eddie & The Cruisers...had those on cassette...back in the day...pretty cool!

Here's another one to own up to...the entire Tokyo Blade discography...on BOTH vinyl and CD...what the hell is wrong with me?

Rock on!

Ahhhhh Tokyo Blade! I bought the Night Of The Blade TB compilation on vinyl back in 1988!!!!:headbang:
The Essence Of Glory by Domain.
granted i havent asked around...but ive never heard anyone mention this band anywhere

Independent by Sacred Reich
again...havent gone looking, but havent heard mention of these guys by anyone else. love this album.

Are you kidding me?! dude, I got "Ignorance" on vinyl & I won it from WREKage here in atlanta! I also have "The American Way" on cassette! I also saw SR twice! Once @ The Masquerade on "The Amercian Way" tour w/ Forced Entry! Great show btw! And then in 1993 @ The Roxy opening for Danzig's "ThrallDemonsweatlive" tour w/ The Genitorturers! Oh & that happened to be the same night that the transformer outside, got completely wiped out by a bolt of lightning & the power & lights were off for like an hour & a half!
Bruce Springsteen's Human Touch and Lucky Town albums

I'm sure there are those among our ranks who would admit to liking Springsteen, but they probably won't show much love for these albums since it was during this era that he dropped the E-Street band (with the exception of the Professor). He also went a bit more country/rhythm & blues during this era than his earlier "rock" stuff, which I know a lot of fans didn't care for.

However, I am a Springsteen fan girl and it was during this era and with this line-up that I saw my first Springsteen concert (my first ever large-scale concert) at age 8. I still love both these albums and probably always will, whether for sentimental or other reasons. Tracks like Human Touch, 57 Channels (And Nothing On), Soul Driver, Better Days, Roll of the Dice, and Leap of Faith will always be great in my book.

I probably have a lot of other stuff in my collection that most metalheads would be embarrassed to admit, namely several Disney soundtracks (A Goofy Movie, Lion King, etc.), but I think I'm probably one of the few, if not the only person out there, who loves these two particular Springsteen albums.