In conjunction with the drunk thread, THE OFFICIAL MORNING AFTER THREAD!

We COULD just put this stuff in the drunk thread. But whatever, nice idea either way.

I had a rough time getting to work at 3PM today. :lol: Note to self: Eat more than one meal (at like 7am) before going to the bar.
i'm usually pretty good the morning after, but it appears the more you party, the worse yous tart waking up.

Indeed. I never used to get hangovers, but over the years that has changed. I get really fuckin' smashed nowadays and I gotta lay down in bed for at least 12 hours, it really sucks.
Even at my most shitfaced (for people who don't know me, I once vomited six times in one night, three of which occurred while taking public transportation and I told people I was in my first trimester of pregnancy to cover my ass) I have never been hung over. At most I might feel a little buzzed when I wake up, but I just drink a glass of water and I'm fine. After I drink a lot I get serious munchies, and I find potato chips help me feel much better for some reason.
Even at my most shitfaced (for people who don't know me, I once vomited six times in one night, three of which occurred while taking public transportation and I told people I was in my first trimester of pregnancy to cover my ass) I have never been hung over.
That's still my favorite story ever.

Well, I had a good few Yuenglings last night, on an empty stomach. Drank no water or gatorade, and I feel fine. It's random.
Even at my most shitfaced (for people who don't know me, I once vomited six times in one night, three of which occurred while taking public transportation and I told people I was in my first trimester of pregnancy to cover my ass) I have never been hung over. At most I might feel a little buzzed when I wake up, but I just drink a glass of water and I'm fine. After I drink a lot I get serious munchies, and I find potato chips help me feel much better for some reason.

That's because you vomit out the alcohol before it gets to your bloodstream. :lol:

Good for the morning after, bad for the teeth.
Guzzle a pint of water after every 2 beers...makes all the difference!
Yeah, I find that staying hydrated is the key. I only recall 3 occasions where I've had a bad hangover. One was after my first time getting truly hammered and not knowing my limits...anyone that drinks probably remembers that instance :D The second time was after a bachelor party in Detroit (need say no more). The third time...fuck, I just forgot...maybe I'm drunk right now :erk: