Interview Thread for TGE

SoT : There must be many talented drummers out there who would love the challenge and opportunity, have you had many applicants?

Andreas Blomqvist : We've received a bunch of applications but most guys don't really cut it I'm afraid. We have a couple of guys we hope for, but we are still collecting applications and we'll see what happens.
finally some news on that front. I hope you can present the new guy soon and get him to learn all your stuff so everybody who did not yet get the chance to enjoy you live (*cough* me *cough*) will soon be able to do so.
Thanks for the interview, Andrea!
Looks like you had a great time at the festival!

It was great seeing you guys at ProgPower and being somewhat of a noob to the festival (i've been 3 times), I do know that the fans vote with their enthusiasm. One year I went everyone was really into Pagan's Mind, and this year, clearly you had the audience. I turned and looked at my cousin and said "they just won the festival". It's seriously magical to behold, and it was awesome when you addressed the crowd with your humble thanks. No doubt in my mind you guys will come back as headliners one day.
In that article it lists the set as

Intro: The Great Escape, Unbreakable, Welcome to Mercy Falls, Tears for a Father, Hide and Seek, Not an Angel, Banish the Wicked, Alley Cat, Taint the Sky, Black Parade.

I assume by TGE they meant Wiseman?
They need to do that, and then stick it on the internet...much like Green Day did with Jesus of Suburbia. It would surely turn heads...might gain some new fans. I am shopping them right now to Kansas/Genesis/Rush generation. I've won some new fans.
What I mean is do the entire The Great Escape's worked for other bands...
Dream Theater won a few fans with it's in-studio vid for Dark Eternal Night.
I let Google translate the Italian interview to Swedish and it did a fairly good job. As always some misses here and there, and surprisingly it occasionally translated some English words rendering funny phrases like (sorry to those who don't speak Swedish):

"Det sjunde är Wonder, numera, en referenspunkt för den progressiva världen."

"Sedan finns det tre låtar som är mycket nära, men de är inte mina favoriter, och vad jag har blivit, väntar i kulisserna för att bryta tystnaden."
Finlands (and I guess in whole Scandinavia's) largest selling monthly metal magazine Inferno released an two page SW-article (and TGE-review) today in their december-issue. It is written in finnish, but article includes whole set of photos about sw-guys in Studio Wonderland. I really dont know if there is any possibility for foreign sw-fans to order that issue. There is a link to order ( but it is also in finnish. Maybe, if you send email to: tilaajapalvelu(at), you might got a chance to get one.