Is Russell Allen involved with the Lancaster Renaissance Faire?


Umphreak 3
Mar 24, 2004
Just wondering. I'm actually planning on making it out there this year. I know Allen has some wheelings and dealings with Medieval Times, so what about the Renaissance Faire? Just wondering. :Spin:
GAH! I worked at a grocery store when a Renaissance Festival happened near where I live. It was the worst week of my life. If you attend, and if you happen to go buy groceries, BE NICE! And for the love of God, SHOWER!
Even if he were involved in the past, between his solo cd, his wedding/honeymoon, and SymX's upcoming cd, I don't imagine he'd have time for it this year. Plus, he no longer works at Medieval Times.
Whew...sure got my attention, I never clicked a link so fast.....
:oops: We live only a few miles from it !!!!!
Ritchie Blackmore and Candace Night come once in awhile.
Even if he were involved in the past, between his solo cd, his wedding/honeymoon, and SymX's upcoming cd, I don't imagine he'd have time for it this year. Plus, he no longer works at Medieval Times.

Surely a Renaissance Fair would scream honeymoon destination :)
I love Night's voice. I just happened to have bought Ghost of a Rose, the current Blackmore's Night album. It's pretty good except for the synths. I don't mind when synths are made to sound like..well...synths, but they really should never be used to impersonate actual instruments. Especially when the impersonation is horrible.
The Black Knight would show up and ruin everything, stupid jerk.

Pretty obscure question, but what role did Russell play at Medieval Times? When I went there the Green Knight got beat by the Red Knight but since the Red Knight had to cheat the king had him sent to the dungeon :(
That would be cute since I believe they first met at Medieval Times. (I recall Christie telling me she used to work there also).

thats sweet actually, hmm now us ladies all know where to meet our knights in shining armour.. literally..

And after the reception he can bed his wench behind the stables

ahhh Tali, always the romantic
After meeting Christie a few times, I think she is the type of chick that would have a "elegant"---yet ROCKIN :headbang: wedding. I doubt she would do anything medievil at all. Doesn't fit the part (these days). ;)