It's 2008. Post your top 10 2007 lists here.

Reverend Bizarre - III: So Long Suckers
Universe 217 - s/t
Candlemass - King Of The Grey Islands
Doomsword - My Name Will Live On
Witchcraft - The Alchemist
Mekong Delta - Lurking Fear
The Hidden Hand - The Resurrection Of Whiskey Foote
Slough Feg - Hardworlder
Eternal Legacy - The Coming Of The Tempest
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
I still have a lot of catching up to do (hopefully this thread will help me note what I still need to pick up), but as of now:

Deathevokation - The Chalice Of Ages
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Church Bizarre - Sinister Glorification
Stiny Plamenu - Odpadni Galerie
Atlantean Kodex - The Pnakotic Demos
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Countess - Blazing Flames Of War
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.

Something like that. I still have dozens yet to hear though. :erk:
Nifelheim - Envoy of Lucifer
Funeral Winds - Nexion Xul
inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
profanatica - Profanatitas De Domonatia
Belenos - Chemins de Souffrance
drudkh - estrangement
bestial raids - Reversed Black Trinity
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Graveland - will stronger than death
Top Ten Full Lengths (no distinct/concrete order)

Centurions Ghost - The Great Work
High On Fire - Death Is This Commmunion
Big Business - Here Comes The Waterworks
Reverend Bizarre - III: So Long Suckers!
Pig Destroyer - Phantom Limb
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Against Nature - Unfolded
Rwake - Voices of Omens
Slough Feg - Hardworlder
Hour of 13 - Hour of 13

Best EP's & Demos

Dwell Within - Monkshood
Weird Light - Doomicvs Vobiscvm
Griftegard - Psalm Bok
Argus - Demo 2007
Solace - The Black Black
Serpentcult - Trident Nor Fire

Top 10 Honorable Mentions

Mammatus - The Coast Explodes
Stinking Lizaveta - Scream of The Iconoclast
Pale Divine - Cemetery Earth
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Voodooshock - Maries Sisters Garden
Josiah - No Time
Keen of The Crow - Hyborea
Anaal Nathrakh - Hell Is Empty And All The Devils Are Here
Holy Martyr - Still At War (despite it being no new material)
Darkhestra - Epos

Best Non-Metal Albums

Radiohead - In Rainbows (overall album of the year)
Iron & Wine - The Shepherd's Dog
Ulver - Shadows of The Sun
I don't know which albums I have that came out in '07.

1.) Hour of 13 - S/T
2.) Slough Feg - Hardworlder
3.) Primordial - To The Nameless Dead

Woods III probably would have knocked Primordial out and went up to either 1 or 2 had it been released a week ago
Top 10, in no order:

Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
Neurosis - Given to the Rising
Witchcraft - The Alchemist
Chaos Moon - Languor Into Echoes, Beyond
Primordial - To the Nameless Dead
Crippled Black Phoenix - A Love of Shared Disasters
Evoken - A Caress of the Void
Tenhi - Folk Aesthetic 1996 – 2006
October Falls - Streams of the End

Albums that were close:

Bergthron - Leben Und Lebenswille
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre monde
Fen - Ancient Sorrow
Verdunkeln - Einblick In Den Qualenfall
Ulver - Shadow of the Sun

Here's my gayspace link to a more detailed review of my top 10. Check it out :D

Top 10
Copied from

Top 10 of 2007

1. Deathevokation – Chalice of Ages

This is a brilliant slab of old school death metal. This sounds like it could be placed in 1992 along all of those other old school death metal bands. Is this just a tribute to the old school death metal sound though? Hell no, this is a band with superior riffing and song writing unlike anything that came out in the 90s. It’s almost like this album has been fermenting and maturing over the years. This album clocks in at just over an hour long, and usually a death metal album that is this long ends with tedium or just loads of riffs that go nowhere, but they make it work. Chalice of Ages doesn’t contain the sweeping melodies of the early Swedes, but it does contain tons of melodies that are made from leads and chunky death metal riffing. The is a cover of Antropomorphia (who the fuck are they?) in the album, yet unless you know the song, you’d think it was another Deathevokation track. Similar to Hail’s cover of Varathron, it compliments the album perfectly.

This has so many brilliant ideas and riffing put together in an atmosphere similar to Fleshcrawl – Descend Into the Absurd. The album slower parts with the atmospheric leads on top of it. The album creates an atmosphere of desolation and death through insanity. The leads in the album add to the desolation with the slight reverb, and make it all come together.

If you’re a fan of old school death metal that is heavily atmospheric yet riffy as fuck, this is the perfect album for you. This is where new death metal should be going.


2. Lunar Aurora - Andacht

Lunar Aurora is a black metal band from Germany and originally started out as a brutal step from Emperor – In the Nightside Eclipse, but have progressed into an ambient black metal band. This album is a bit closer has a more sinister/dark and depressing atmosphere compared to their previous works in this style (Mond, Zyklus, and Elixir of Sorrow), but it works incredibly well.

The album uses ambient passes at the start of the some of the songs, yet also uses keyboards/electronics to create a bleak atmosphere from the fore ground of rumbling riffs and the attack of clean, lower growls, and shrieked vocals. The album is composed into six tracks that have a different approach, but all of the tracks keep the sinister atmosphere; also, the contrast between the riffing, drumming, and vocals make the dark atmosphere. The band can be playing a slow steel picked riffs, blasting drums, and clean vocals, which are all done in way to make smooth transitions through the songs. Though the album is a lot of droning by the guitars and drumming, there are parts kind of similar to Darkspace where a riff will come out and punch you in the face.

If you want to go on a dark voyage of about an hour, listen to this album.


3. Deathspell Omega – Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum

Fas is the third and final album to Deathspell Omega’s trilogy. The trilogy started with Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice continued through Kénôse, and now finally the epic ending of Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum. The band has been quite different from their black metal peers since SMRC, and they have continued this style.

The album maintains their dark atmosphere through the intellectual ideas of Satan (personal greatness), but the band is able to do this with using more technical riffs, complex arrangements, and ambient moments than the other albums. This album progresses nicely throughout the album with slower steel picking cumulating into an epic arrangement of disharmony, blasphemy, and complex time signatures. The drumming in the album is noticeable, and arranged in a rather odd way; however, the riffing is also quite odd, so it meshes wonderfully. The album has loads of ups and downs leading to ambient passages, which never overstay their welcome nor go away too quickly.

While going through the up and downs of the album, the band makes the evil and epic atmosphere. The album’s chaotic bits have a hypnotic feel to them, which is similar to what Burzum did with Filosofem. The hypnotic parts take the listener on a trip of pure chaos and into the cosmos to obtain the listeners intellectual greatness.

This is a great new addition to the vast world of black metal, and it will be interesting to see where Deathspell Omega goes from here.


4. DoomSword – My Name Will Live On

The production of this album is clean and exactly what one would want in an epic album, thick guitars, yet keeping the vocals high in the mix. The vocalist shines in this album; He’s lost his Hansi Kürsch sound, and replaced it with more of the strained epic Italian vocals. Every lyric is sung with oozing emotion, over top riffs to compliment the vocals and set an epic battlefield. The album does have a slow tempo at times, it doesn’t have doom riffing nor the usual Viking metal sound. The slow paced epic riffs that evolve into a speed up at the perfect times make this a great album.

From the start of the album DoomSword shows the theme of this specific album, which is Viking. Though the songs are mostly epic battles, never does the album become dull and focus on how epic they can make the music nor do they need huge hooks in each song for one to become intrigued. The album starts with a warrior conquering various lands in the name of his gods. The music follows along the lyrics and sets the mood perfectly. When reading along to the music through the ups and downs of our hero, the music becomes more epic in the battle scenes, and gradually builds up through other parts. The progress of all the battles throughout the album creates tension for the epic monster of a The Great Horn, where the tension is released, and the hero calls upon all of his warriors take back their land.

This should not be listened song by song, but should be listened as an entire album. Nothing cheesy nor over the top, which continues the legacy of DoomSword, and keeping true to metal.

5. Hour of 13 – Hour of 13

What is the next step from Pagan Altar? Or 70’s Judas Priest? Where could you possibly go from this style of metal? The answer is Hour of 13.

The album is filled with riffs similar to those from Sin after Sin and Volume 1, yet all the riffs, except the obvious tribute to Sinner, have their own value. The album is mostly a doom metal album, but is filled with some more upbeat heavy metal riffs; this album takes the dark atmosphere of Volume 1 and puts it into a satanic one. The combinations of riffs and lyrics show the great (fucked up) mind of Phil. The album’s atmosphere, song writing, and vocal melodies set it apart from the worship bands; moreover, it gives something new to the listener while paying loads of timeless riffs. The riffs are incredibly dark, yet fairly ‘upbeat’ as mentioned earlier. Knowing that the album was recorded in a church only makes the lyrics and riffs have that much more power. The album’s solo that rip through the riffs (Grim Reality), are in perfect time of the song and are put in exactly when the song needs a part to deviate from the riffing.

Phil’s voice on this album is his best work yet, and the vocal melodies he puts forward send shivers down my spine. He does not have a powerful voice like some in metal, but his melodies and arrangements are completely unique, and what makes him one of the best new vocalists in metal.


6. Reverend Bizarre – III: So Long Suckers

Reverend Bizarre have put everything into their final release before breaking up. This is a monster of an album; it’s two hour of doom. The band puts together everything they’ve done into this, and it is dripping with emotion in the vocals and riffs. The album goes at a crawling pace at times, but yet never gets slightly boring. Each instrument takes its roll during the album making something different than their earlier works, yet it’s still the good old Reverend Bizarre.

This is just solid as fuck doom metal with heavy riffs, catchy choruses, and brilliant song writing. Fans of any type of doom metal will enjoy this.

7. Lustmord – Juggernaut

Lustmord is a dark ambient band which uses the incredibly low frequencies that cause fear or awe in a person. This album, which is a slightly different than his previous albums, forms the usual sinister atmosphere, but goes about it with an haunting, constant riff and he utilizes this riffs with loads of leads created by guitar or some other electronic instruments. In the background his usual style of sinister ritual like ambient is there, but letting that haunting riff stay in your head. Some dark whispers come through, that put shivers right down your spine; moreover, it’s the same lyric over and over making the ritualistic atmosphere that Lustmord is known for. As the album continues the ‘leads’ come out more and switches the atmosphere slightly; it’s more of a chaotic, sinister, dark sound that almost engulfs you into the song. While listening, he brings you into his ritual, takes your turns you inside out and spits you back to where you were sitting. At first the chaotic leads come off as something quite random, but over the 11 minute song it makes the atmopshere. The ending of the album is the usual smooth dark ambient that Lustmord has used before, and it slightly more dark and active; the final ominous song lets you recover from the evilness of the entire album, it also lets the listener stay on darkside.

What makes this album so fucking brilliant is the constant progression of the instruments while keeping the constant atmosphere. If the listener puts this on in the background, dark emotions and almost fear get placed into your mind, which is perfect for a dark ambient release.


8. Primordial – To the Nameless Dead

With Primordial’s newest albums they continue with their epic blackened heavy metal with the great vocal work of Nemtheanga. On this album the band accomplishes the epic emotional metal that you always look for in Primordial. The guitar work is exactly what you’d expect form Primordial with their folky, heavy metal, and build ups; however, the best part about the album is the vocals. They are oozing with emotion, and it’s obvious Nemtheanga cares about his work so much. Another brilliant release by Primordial.

(Written only 3 days and 10 spins after hearing the album, and subject to change)


9. Pale Divine – Cemetery Earth

This is Pale Divines third release, and the band has really progressed from their first album, where some of the songwriting was lacking. Though with this new album the singing, riffs, and writing all mesh together to create a warm uplifting doom album. It has the timeless doom riffing in the vein of Sabbath, Pentagram, and Vitus, but they keep their own sound by mixing in their own ideas on how the songs should be put together. The songs range lengths range from 5 minutes to about 10 on their epic title track.

Though the album has some darker lyrics to them, the overall feeling is uplifting. This is something doom metal bands have been able to do for sometime now. I think of Trouble – Psalm 9, which is a Christian oriented band, yet sounds so dark and evil. Cemetery Earth is a perfect example of combination of two different moods making something special.

The highlight of this album is definitely the riffing, and is shown on (I Alone) The Traveler and Cemetery Earth. The tone of the guitars is relaxing and is a great compliment to a night of drinking with a few friends or nice relaxing evening.


10. Wolves in the Throne Room – Two Hunters

This is the second album from the hippies that create black metal, and it is much more Burzum oriented than their debut; however, it’s a refreshing take on the hypnotic black metal.

The album has a lot of ambient passages to create a smooth atmosphere, which all comes together into the rejection of humanity at the current state. The band makes metal which makes the listener feel like he or she is alone in the wilderness yet finds it completely comforting. Although Two Hunters sounds quite depressive because of the guitar work, it has a rather uplifting feeling; moreover, the albums riffs and blasting is so smooth that it soothes your soul into something quite enjoyable, giving you the idea that you can do something about humanity.

The riffing on the album is less epic than Diadem, and uses layers to create its melody, and the drumming of this different than the usual black metal drumming. The riffs are usually doing the same slow tremolo picking, the drumming changes to keep the songs going forward. The vocals are done in the same way as the previous album with clean female vocals and raspy black metal shrieks and growls to accentuate the music.

Two Hunters is a great listen and enjoyable inside the Burzum esque riffing bands; moreover the band puts their own spin on the style, and they do it tastefully.


Honorable Mentions In a Rough Order
Drudkh – Estrangement
Against Nature – Unfolded
Darkthrone – F.O.A.D
Slough Feg – Hardworlder
Necros Christos - Triune Impurity Rites
Witchcraft – The Alchemist
Darkestrah – Epos
Countess - Blazing Flames of War
Portal – Outre
Against Nature - The Anxiety of Influence
The Hidden Hand –The Resurrection of Whiskey Foote
Candlemass – King of the Grey Isle
Häive - Mieli Maassa
Nae’blis – Sketches of Reality
Stygian Shore – The Shore Will Arise
Earth Flight – Earth Flight
Arkha Sva - Gloria Satanae
Farsot - IIII
Upwards of Endtime – From Genesis to Apocalypse and Beyond
Centurion’s Ghost – A Great Work
Stinking Lizaveta – Scream of the Iconoclast
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre monde
Sigh – Hangman’s Hymn
Arkha Sva - Gloria Satanae
Angantyr – Hævn
Mael Mordha - Gaeltecht Mael Mordha

Best EP/split/ Demos In A Rough Order
Argus – Demo
Dwell Within – Monkshood
Mandatory - …Where they Bleed
Totem – S/t
Drudkh - Anti-Urban
The Lamp of Thoth - The Cauldron of Witchery
Solace – The Black Black
Vestal Claret/Atlantean Kodex split
October Falls – Streams of the End

Albums That I Haven't Gotten Around To Checking Out, and It's Way Too Long...
Graveland – Will Stronger Than Death
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today
Church Bizarre - Sinister Glorification
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Mekong Delta - Lurking Fear
Minotauri – II
Burning Saviours - Nymphs And Weavers
High On Fire - Death Is This Communion
Iron Man – Submission
Om – Pilgrimage
Atlantean Kodex - The Pnakotic Demos
Trouble – Simple Mind Condition
Voodooshock - Marie's Sister's Garden
Neurosis - Given to the Rising
Elend - A World in Their Screams
Peste Noire - Folkfuck Folie
Morrigan – The Damned
Nunslaughter - Hex
Astrofaes – Idea. Form. Essence
Blood of Kingu - De Occulta Philosophia
Warchtype – Goat Goddess Supremacy
Vestal Claret – Demo
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
In Vain – The Latter Rain
Belenos - Chemins de Souffrance
what i've properly digested, in a general sort of order:
deathspell omega - fas ite maledicti
municipal waste - the art of partying
wolves in the throne room - two hunters
pig destroyer - phantom limb
insect warfare - world extermination
drudkh - estrangement

really haven't heard these enough yet but they're all legitimate contenders:
impaled - the last gasp
belenos - chemins de souffrance
primordial - to the nameless dead
skeletonwitch - beyond the permafrost
magrudergrind - rehashed
leviathan - the blind wound

baroness - red album ----> spun "first", "second" and "red" in a row a few weeks back and the latter not just paled but downright bleached in comparison
xasthur - defective epitaph

completely ignored releases from nile, behemoth, finntroll

i think that's everything...
Not (exactly) my 10 favorites, since it's way too early for that, but you just said "top", so here are my 10 most-listened-to 2007 releases:

Artist - Album - Number of Listens
Grinderman - Grinderman - 12.5
Agua de Annique - Air - 10.8
Novembre - The Blue - 10.2
Rotting Christ - Theogonia - 9.4
Nightwish - Dark Passion Play - 9.2
Yearning - Merging Into Landscapes - 7.1
Alcest - Souvenirs d'un autre Monde - 6.3
Mael Mórdha - Gealtacht Mael Mórdha - 6.3
Baroness - Red Album - 6.1
Aesma Daeva - Dawn of the New Athens - 6.1

1. Nile - Ithyphallic
Kroda - Fimbulwinter
Drudkh - Estrangement
Trimonium - Son of a Blizzard

fuck, I havent really listened to metal in a long time. This TV is owning me right now