Jessica Alba getting spanked!!


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Some of you may know that I think Jessica Alba is the hottest thing out there.

So when I found this, I had to share.

I recommend watching it over at YT in HQ. ;)

There is no way I'm missing out on this movie. I don't care if it sucks.

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I guess it is not her butt, it must be a body double... an ass double.
Probably a well shaved tranny.

So get your hands out of your knob.

NO! don't you dare mess up my fantasy! :cry:

You're probably right. She doesn't/hasn't do/done nudity. (not on purpose anyways)
Hey FUCK YOU!!!! You ruined my Agent Scully fantasy you bastard ... how does it feel? :lol:

hahahahahahaha Well if it will make you feel any better, there was a time I was curious myself. Than I saw a few pictures and :ill:

JA is still hot! A simple google search and you can see her bum in all it's glory. Or just watch Into The Blue. ;)
There's also a nipple shot in Into the blue, but unfortunately it's a body double :( This is the closest I have got in my journey of seeing her boobs:


(I had a bit of trouble finding that pic, I knew I saved the screenshot somewhere on my HD, but it didn't occur to me that it would actually be found in the IMPORTANT FILES -folder.)