John Butler Trio - Any fans?


man who plays drum
Jun 7, 2003
Wallingford, CT
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I'm sure many of you have never heard of this guy, but wow, he's amazing. I've been a fan of his for a couple years now, but his new album, just absolutely FLOORED me. Just wondering who's a fan, and hell, I'd like to get his name out a bit more. He's an Australian acoustic guitar player, plays a jam-bandish type style, very jazzy, funky, really runs the board as to what he can do. As of right now, JBT's new album is holding the top slot IMO for Album of the Year, until Symphony X and Nile's new discs come out. Though most will prolly not dig the style, im sure all will be able to appreciate his abilities.

So enough, everyone go check him out immediately:

The video on there for "The Ocean" is one of the greatest displays of guitar playing I've EVER seen. 12 string acoustic solo, WOW is all I can say! Enjoy!
Fuck yeah, he is fucking amazing. As a bass player who pefers to play rock/jam/jazz style, I must say his bass player is fantastic. I haven't checked out his new cd, mainly because I didn't know it was out yet, but now I'll be heading to the store to go pick it up.
Fuck yeah, he is fucking amazing. As a bass player who pefers to play rock/jam/jazz style, I must say his bass player is fantastic. I haven't checked out his new cd, mainly because I didn't know it was out yet, but now I'll be heading to the store to go pick it up.

Yea, the bass player is great, I LOVE the sound of his upright, it adds SO much to the music. The drummer is amazing too, at first I wasn't too impressed with him - until I noticed his subtleties and the feel and touch he has. I cant wait to see these guys in NYC May 24, the night before SX in NYC! Also happens to be my prom weekend, but fuck that, I'll take 2 great concerts over prom anyday =)

NP: Stevie Ray Vaughan - Riviera Paradise