Killer Seal song - Off topic!

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Sorry for posting this here but this song has blown me clean away. Whilst at work today, a song came on the radio that was in this lady's office that I was working in and this song came on and I thought ok i know that's Seal but holy hell on earth the song is actually AMAZING! This is a middle of the road station that she listens to and they mostly play inane songs from yesteryear with the odd new one and normally I don't pay attention to the music in the room as it's pretty low and concentrate on what I'm doing but this song hooked me on first listen. I thought to myself I must listen carefully to the song title the DJ announces and check this on youtube later on. Damn the more you listen the more this song hooks you in. To me it sounds like a killer melodic rock AOR type of track without guitars. Seal's voice also sounds bloody top notch. What do you think of this song? I am amazed by it to be honest and I speak as a non fan of Seal and his make and I fully expect this to be a one off one in a million coincidence! Now if only someone got Seal to sing rock that would be cool indeed.

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i have all Seal's stuff as well. Back when i used to go see Edwin McCain Band (before he was signed to Atlantic) they would always do covers of KILLER and FUTURE LOVE PARADISE but more rocked out.

Glad you started thread on Seal, some songs with a tiny bit of edge.

LOVE IS POWERFUL (Japanese 3" CD from 1992) - i own original of it, but cannot find an mp3 anywhere uploaded. this song is great, full band playing with him.

this is from indecent proposal soundtrack

live version of Human Beings

there is also a CD-single for Killer i think that has 4 live songs from the first album with full band that are awesome. i have the cd single but cannot remember which track off the debut it was for sitting here at my desk.
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I love Seal and I think he's an amazing vocalist. He's also gotten some pretty good musicians to tour with him. (I know Tony Levin has toured with him a few times.)

I haven't bought one of his albums in a while. Probably should.
Seal is also an amazing musician...he plays many instruments on his
albums, a very unique and gifted talent he is. Great songwriter !!!
Big fan I am.