KING DIAMOND on next season of That Metal Show

I think you guys are missing something. This is VH1 CLASSIC. The station is catered to older music.

I call bullshit. His RADIO SHOW is no different. Stop defending this tool. I can guarantee you regardless of anything he knows diddly squat about most newer (hell even many older European) Metal bands.
agree 1mil%...The tools that host the show make it hard to watch;but,once in a while they have some decent guests and find out how staged the STT segment is ask Kitty Beast;she was on there when Michael Schenker was the guest and she stumped trunk w/her question...:D
Me??? LOL....

Actually, I just like to get into it with people who actually have something semi-logical to come back with.....

You are a good dude....... :kickass:

(sorry that you like Alter Bridge)


I really hope I can make it to Ragnarokkr by the way. It'd be nice to have a beer with you and hopefully like you a little more in person... :lol: I kid, I kid...
So the real question is, why do we keep giving Trunk space on the ProgPower forum if he won't even acknowledge the existence of the festival!?!?!?
I wish someone with this much passion for current metal could be on mainstream TV. :/

As stated recently I have avoided for the most part pimping my own radio show around here due to several factors.

I actually have a huge loyal fan base that always asks me why my show is not bigger than it is, and the answer is simple. I will not comply with what the corporate cocksuckers would want. I swear, I rant, I talk about controversial topics, and I very seldom ever play a mainstream band/song unless its a request or special occasion (hence when Dio died I did a tribute show).

I know its not all Trunks fault...he has a job, and answers to coprorate suits. However even off air the dude is so fucking clueless about Heavy Metal. Sure he takes everyone down memory lane, and brings the popular guests but whats gonna happen when these bands who are getting older fade away? We need someone to promote the new bands who will carry the torch for generations to come.

There a re many on this forum who follow my show and they can tell you that I take enormous amounts of pride to help bring these unknown bands to the masses.

My passion for the scene is off the charts. I live it, and breathe it 24-7.

One look at my radio show event page for next Wednesday should give you an idea of what kind of bands I am promoting on a weekly basis.
As stated recently I have avoided for the most part pimping my own radio show around here due to several factors.

That much I understand, but it's nice to know there are so many passionate guys out there promoting metal. I've listened to your show before, and I'll make sure to make more time to listen again. :headbang:
I actually have a huge loyal fan base that always asks me why my show is not bigger than it is, and the answer is simple. I will not comply with what the corporate cocksuckers would want. I swear, I rant, I talk about controversial topics, and I very seldom ever play a mainstream band/song unless its a request or special occasion (hence when Dio died I did a tribute show).

I know its not all Trunks fault...he has a job, and answers to coprorate suits. However even off air the dude is so fucking clueless about Heavy Metal. Sure he takes everyone down memory lane, and brings the popular guests but whats gonna happen when these bands who are getting older fade away? We need someone to promote the new bands who will carry the torch for generations to come.

You answer yourself with the first paragraph. After tilting at windmills with XM for years, I've realized that any platform that has any size to do any good suffers too much from corporate bullshit. Also, everyone is trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, which means most fringe stuff gets pushed to the side. What happened with XM is a good example. They did some interesting stuff early on, but most of that stuff went away over time.

While I appriciate what you do, I pretty much accept that the current status quo is going to be the way it is for a long time. It is going to be word of mouth and people sharing with each other their favorite band. Occasionally, one of these acts will hit it big and we will celebrate, but the vast majority are going to be languishing in relative obscurity.
If I recall correctly, Jens Johansson came up in a "Whatever happened to" segment and Trunk advised the audience he was in some European band named "Hammerfall".

I laughed at how distant he is from metal.

It should be called "That Michael Schenker and/or UFO Show".
If I recall correctly, Jens Johansson came up in a "Whatever happened to" segment and Trunk advised the audience he was in some European band named "Hammerfall".

If I recall correctly, Jens Johansson came up in a "Whatever happened to" segment and Trunk advised the audience he was in some European band named "Hammerfall".

I laughed at how distant he is from metal.

It should be called "That Michael Schenker and/or UFO Show".

I saw that audience member is the one that yelled out HammerFall, which is the wrong answer, and everyone else agreed. Hell, no one in the room knew the correct answer about Jens! It's not like Stratovarius hasn't toured the States within recent years and not played NYC...and the three hosts still didn't know the right answer!

I also saw an episode where Eddie couldn't think of the name of Dio's last solo album...he called it The Man In The Moon! No fuckin' lie! Quite frankly, if you don't know you're Dio better than that, you don't deserve to listen to metal! :lol:

If anything, it's fun to watch the show to catch all the mistakes that are going's like a game!

It seems pretty obvious to me that all the questions are staged, as half the contestants stumble reading the questions on the cards.
Most of them also look at the card for the answer, since it wasn't their question to begin with.
That's how I took it at least.

They are staged.
When Matt and I went to Delaware to see the Solitude reunion show I ran into a guy that was on an early episode and did the Stump the Trunk thing. He explained exactly how it worked, and well it is set up so that Eddie wikk certainky not be put on the spot.
Except that nobody knew she was the lead singer of Benedictum, the album they made their "pick of the week". I mean hell, they promote her album, say it's great, bring her on the show and won't even let her be an actual guest? That seems kinda shitty, to me. I expected her to at least be treated like a professional, and not just an audience member. :/

sure that audience is made up of other band members and "professionals", I would dare say there could be better known musicians sitting in there than he; after all on the greater scheme of things that band is not that well known. However one would think those douches on that shows could and would give a little more nod. But what it comes down to is what these musicians and bands are willing to pay for. I would bet it is an issue of; x amount of dollars to have your name mentioned, additional amount to be pointed out in the audience, etc. I just wonder if the ends justify the means, personally I have to much dignity to give that show any money in hopes for advertising. I know it is not the right kind of audience.
Most people who watch that show and especially Trunk supporters are typically douchebags like him and people that do not know that metal continued after '89.