Kingdom Come - Outlier

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
I know zilch about KC and Lenny Wolf apart from hearing their name here and there but I know I like this new song. Lenny's voice is a bit strange at first but once you get used to it a bit the song's melancholy chorus starts to weave it's charms pretty well. I like the droning warm guitar sound as well. The music reminds me of something but I can't remember what band exactly now. Not bad stuff!

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The knock on them when they 1st hit the seen back in the day, was that they were a Led Zeppelin clone. I have the new CD, it's pretty good. There stuff is hit or miss. Some releases are pretty good, some not so much.
Didn't realize Lenny Wolf was still doing Kingdom Come albums. I haven't bought one since "Hands Of Time", which was pretty much Wolf and a bunch of session guys.
Didn't realize Lenny Wolf was still doing Kingdom Come albums. I haven't bought one since "Hands Of Time", which was pretty much Wolf and a bunch of session guys.

If you enjoyed "Hands", make sure to check out "Bad Image" if you can..... Easily my favorite KC album, and I've stayed current with them this entire time. Really a lot of solid material throughout their catalogue, but "Image" is the highlight for me.
The knock on them when they 1st hit the seen back in the day, was that they were a Led Zeppelin clone.
That was not only the knock, but a damn accurate assessment.

For some strange reason, I've never been a Zeppelin fan. The likely reason is, by the time I got into music, their records sounded dated to me. Yet, for some even odder reason, I love that Kingdom Come debut. I often joke with my brother, who is a huge Zeppelin fan, that Kingdom Come's debut is the best Zeppelin album ever.
I'll have to check this out as I haven't heard anything from Lenny Wolf in a while. As mentioned, when KC first came out, they were a total Zep clone, but eventually it essentially morphed into a Lenny Wolf solo project and they moved away from that Zeppelin hard rock mold. He has had a nice knack for melody, and I do enjoy several of the later KC albums (Bad Image, Twilight Cruiser, Hands of Time)....but the last one I heard was a rather tepid re-recording of stuff, so I figured he was out of ideas.

Prior to Kingdom Come, Lenny had a band called Stone Fury that put out two *incredible* melodic rock albums (Burns Like a Star, and Let Them Talk).
I actually prefer the Zeppelin-esque stuff better. We have a fistful of AC/DC-esque bands, why not Zeppelin? I see othing wrong with bands wearing their influences on their sleeves.

However, I do seem to recall that Wolfe stated in an interview that he never heard Zeppelin before.... right.