klei you need some of this friend!

Hi there,
we have tried e-mailing you with details about SEROTONAL but there seems to be a problem with your e-mail address
you wanted to know of more bands like anathema.
well just to let you know darren white ex-anathema member is working with me and annother friend on a new band. we are called SEROTONAL
with this new project we are experimenting more with technology and mixing it with dark ambience.
we have a web address which is at this moment waiting to finalised the address
or you can e-mail us serotonal@hotmail.com
if you are interested contact us and we can sort you out with the brand new
promo cd (the end of everything).
cheers ;)
you wrote dimakleineman and the guys emailsaddress has an r somewhere in between, though i guess you just copied and pasted... whatever.
