Ladies - Corset Day...

Harvester said:
The promoter gives his full blessing for the idea.

Glenn H.
who expects a few punches in the future

Yah, well sometimes you gotta endure a little bit of pain and suffering to get the good stuff
dargormudshark said:
Just don't make all the guys dress up like that guy last year who was dressed like a member marylin manson's band :D

We all know there is no MAKING guys do anything they don't want to do.

Can I put eyeliner on you this year Andrew? JUST KIDDING -- Your mom would hunt me down so fast!!
Count me in!

Maybe I should get one made like those ladies in the opera - you know the ones fashioned out of metal. Ooooh, and I can wear a viking hat with horns and hold a spear that's taller than me (ha ha).
Oakenson said:

This is especially good if the ladies are single ... ;)

It is also especially good if the ladies have the figure for it...Although I am an attractive, middle aged woman with a body that looks better than most my age, I'll wear my corset in the hotel room for Greg's eyes only.
Lucinda: but the fun thing about corsets is, they hide the flaws while emphasizing the bonuses!

Deeder: grab on to the wall, baby.
Oakenson said:

This is especially good if the ladies are single ... ;)

Yeah, good luck to us guys, we only outnumber the gals 50 to 1 at progpower. I can't wait to see some poor girl in a mini skirt get bombaraded by a slew of us pasty musicians in elaborate fantasy metal shirts babbling on about time signatures and sweep arpeggios and the like.