Land of the Freaks

It is somewhere in their top 3. A definite buy for fans. A good improvement over Organic (which has its strengths).
I really like it. Though Organic is my favorite. Today I've been listening to Dead Soul Men. I have a really hard time picking a favorite Freak Kitchen album, and Land of the Freaks is just one more to add to me having a hard time picking. :)
You are the first I know who holds Organic as his or her favorite. It's a good album, but a bit too repetitious for me. I go between Dead Soul Men and Move (though I no longer have Move, as I lent it out, and ... due to my fault never got it back).
It was a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE let down....Only a couple of really kick ass songs....Organic pisses all over Land of the Freaks
It was a HUUUUUUUUUUUGE let down....Only a couple of really kick ass songs....Organic pisses all over Land of the Freaks

Even though my review is voided, I respectfully disagree, as a matter of fact, it's just the opposite for me. It took quite a while, and quite a few spins for Organic to grow on me, the raving fanboi. :Spin:

LotF is an excellent cd (IMO). Not quite as good as Move, but definitely a step up from Organic.
LotF in general is a minor key album where most of FK tunes are major key. It took some time to get used to that but after you do it's just as good as any other of their albums.
I love FK live, but I have a hard time listening to them on disc. The sad part is that there's no reason why. It just seems I can't listen to an entire disc from beginning to end.

That being said, I can't wait till their US tour later this year. :)
Love this band. Few people on this board have been mentioning that they're gonna tour in September and I'm holding them to it!!!!!
i enjoy LotF...i enjoy Organic, Dead Soul Men, Freak Kitchen, Move, Appetizer, Freak Guitar...

i like certain songs more than others, but i can't pick one *disc* that screams "FAVORITE".

but that's just me
i know - i'm totally not helpful :)
I love FK live, but I have a hard time listening to them on disc. The sad part is that there's no reason why. It just seems I can't listen to an entire disc from beginning to end.

That being said, I can't wait till their US tour later this year. :)

Did not know they were touring. Looking forward to thatsince I did not see them at the progpowers they were at. Any specific dates or just a broad september announcement? I sure hope it doesn't compete with progpower.

Oh Hell Yeah :danceboy::danceboy::danceboy::danceboy:

Lets hope the tour lasts longer than what was originally planned ;)

Did not know they were touring. Looking forward to thatsince I did not see them at the progpowers they were at. Any specific dates or just a broad september announcement? I sure hope it doesn't compete with progpower.

If it happens, think early September. Nothing concrete yet, to the best of my knowledge. C'mon down to the clinic in Plainfeild this May! When this possible tour was mentioned to me, IA did ask me about the PPUSA dates for this year.