Lars Ulrich Dream Theatere audtion video released...

I lol'd. There aren't many "professional musicians" that I have less respect for than Lars. So that definitely amplified the hilarity for me.
I'm not much of a lars fan either, but you got to admit, is drumming on Ride the Lightning and Kill them all was pretty unique and cool at the same time. I don't think he fits with Dream Theater, but I think he fit old Metallica like a glove....
I still break out Ride the Lightning, Puppets and even the commerical "Black Album" from time to time...
Proof that you and I will never agree on anything.
I think Lars is awesome. He has earned the right to be a douche bag if he should choose to be one.

I think I have to side with Claus here. Plus, years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Lars, and he couldn't have been more nice to me. In fact, both him and Kirk were super cool and friendly....James was pretty much into himself and didn't talk much, but Lars was awesome...
I'm totally fine with being in the minority opinion. As long as we can be relatively polite here.

For the record, though, my distaste for him has relatively little to do with his current douchey posture and almost everything to do with how little I think of his capacity as a musician.
I think Lars is awesome. He has earned the right to be a douche bag if he should choose to be one.

I agree. Regardless of the fact that none of those Metallica guys are as tight as they were in 1988, they earned their place in spades and are STILL entertaining as hell live. In fact, Metallica is proof positive that just being good at what you play means jack and shit. It's the songs that truly matter.
I agree. Regardless of the fact that none of those Metallica guys are as tight as they were in 1988, they earned their place in spades and are STILL entertaining as hell live. In fact, Metallica is proof positive that just being good at what you play means jack and shit. It's the songs that truly matter.

I recently heard James just slay "Blackened" live. His vocals and rhythm were right on.
Yeah, they crafted songs...but god knows how the fuck how...

For anyone that's ever seen "A Year And A Half"...and even's just hard to maintain respect for such a bunch of disfunctional fucks that can't even be bothered to put some songs together. They even seem surprised when they do...
Yeah, they crafted songs...but god knows how the fuck how...

For anyone that's ever seen "A Year And A Half"...and even's just hard to maintain respect for such a bunch of disfunctional fucks that can't even be bothered to put some songs together. They even seem surprised when they do...

I don't know. I always looked at the "a year and 1/2 of Metallica" dvds as a comical take of them in the studio. I mean, they knew they were being filmed, so they just hammed it up in the studio. I don't think it was expected to be serious....If someone expected it to be serious, the joke's on them.
I'm not a big fan of Lars, if only because of this quote..

I can’t say that I necessarily sit down to practice, like “I’m going to play and practice so I can get better.” What happens is that I just sit down and kind of play to just more stay in shape. You know, Metallica was up to two or three months off last year, and I would sit down, I have an iPod next to my drums so I can play along to all kind of crazy stuff, and try to see if I can land in the same zip code of some of that stuff occasionally. But I can’t say that I sit down to necessarily practice to sort of get better. For most of my stuff, it’s about listening and about interpreting stuff that I’m listening to. So all the kind of sitting down and, you know, “Now I’m going to do thirty-second-note paradiddles standing on my head — you know what I mean? I don’t do that kind of stuff so much. For me it’s more about the regimen of staying in shape, running every day, eating healthy, you know, being on top of that side of it.

Okay, I'm not a drummer, but this just seemed like a dumb thing for any musician to say. I don't know Lars personally, so I'm not gonna call him an asshole or anything. I just think that any musician who admits to not practicing to get better is not so smart.
Geez, I wonder what James' reaction was when he heard about this. After all, he questioned Jason Newsted's loyalty when he was trying to help a friend's band. Yet, here is Metallica's co-founder trying out for Dream Theater.