Latin American Tour Setlist


New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2005
hey there! if there is anyone here who knows which is the setlist thrax is playing in this tour, i´ll appreciate to know it, specially if it´s from some south american country!

cheerz! :headbang:
They might actually play different songs on different nights. I saw them 5 times in 8 days and they never played the same setlist twice. This was in 2003. They also played a different set at another show in that time period. I know this because it is the show where they recorded the DVD.
I think this was the set list from :hotjump: show in Sao Paulo, sorry if i forgot something;

Got The Time
Caugh in a Mosh
Inside Out :hotjump: :headbang:
Safe Home
Metal Thashin' Mad
Nobody Knows Anything
What Doesn't Die
Bring the Noise
Be All, End All :OMG:
New Level :headbang:

John Bush was amazing screaming, singing, jumping, climbing the amplis. HE IS THE MAN, if brazilian bangers respected him, this apreciation grows more and more after this tour for Sao Paulo. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :hotjump: :hotjump:
something is telling me they´re gonna probably drop New Level from the set if they play these European and Ozzfest shows.
Hi everybody
i am going to be there tomorrow in Lima. i am from peru. I can't stand the wait anymore. I know that tomorrow we are going to explode and i hope so. when i entered here i saw that they also play panteras songs i almost killed myself. I hope they play fucking hostile tomorrow. i want them to play about 3 hours because we are in need of metal since metal bands dont come here so often i mean never. We are thirsty of metal. They should have prepared the concert in a stadium or in a big place. it is going to be in a theater and i think is small, who care anyway they will be here tomorrow and i am more than happy. i hope i could sleep tonight since i can't stop thinking about them for a week when i saw a big poster that read ANTHRAX Latin Tour. I couldn't believe it. Tomorrow my dreams will come true. And i shoudl also thanks anthrax for the low price. But i was willing to pay anything i had to go there. Fortunately it olny was 50 soles for the first 500 tickets.

I wanted to interview them too but unfortunately i couldn't find the information about a press conference. i dont know if they will be doing one. i doubt it though. I emailed the to ask for an interview but i have receivce no response. that's sad but i dont care too. The day has come. see ya-
do you people know if i can bring a camera to the concert? do the producers allow to bring video cams, ? if not how can i bring one? i would want to show my future children that i once in my life i was in an Anthrax concert.
it is sad that the concert in chile was cancelled. because of the situation in argentina??? that sucks. now everyone will have to pay the consequences? well i hope they (the goverment, the police, etc) dont cancel the concert here in Peru Today. Although i dont know the security information of the theathre where the concert will be made. I only know that is a small and old place. i hope everything is ok tonight.

Please Anthrax if you read this. could you play Fucking hostile instead of a new level and I am the man instead of Bring the noise.

Panthrax.... que buena

By the way, i thought that anthrax was in favor of the indians and against any kind of imperialism. well i just saw in a brazilian anthrax fan page that they (brazilians) are organizing something called "INDIANS...NOT". I think this iNdians...not sounds against Indians. as if they were saying not to indians. somethin related to exclusion. I disagree with that name for a tribute to anthrax.
well that kind of dissapoint me. well bring the noise is fine but dont know.... they have played that song at the end in all the 3 concerts in brazil.

Scott says that since they couldn't play in the local concert in chile they could have played in the park, in the street, etc. but they knew that the concert was cancelled the 24th. i don't understand. if the knew this situation since the 24 why the didn't rearrange to play in another place. it is strange.

Do you know if anthrax plays nowadays the Song MEDUSA from the spreading the disease?? that song is so hallucinating. i want to know to ask them tonight that song. that song is incredible
They are not playing "Medusa." Scott clearly stated the band did not know the show was cancelled by the government until tonight. Had they know that, they would not have wasted all that money to show up there. The local promoters were not told by the security guy (Ricardo Alvarez) until 7:15 PM on the night of the show, Scott said.