Leatherwolf Interview Posted


Just a Kid at Heart

I just posted my interview with drummer Dean Roberts of Leatherwolf. It was a cool conversation and one in which I think Dean revealed a lot about the present and future of Leatherwolf.

Check it out at www.NotesFromTheOtherSide.com.

This post wraps up interviews with all of the bands scheduled for PPUSA VII.

So barring any more surprise interviews, or updates from the bands, the next posts will be made from PPUSA itself, which -- thankfully -- is coming up very, very soon.


Nice job, Bill. All the interviews have been insightful and informative. Refreshing to see someone go back to the "informative-first" and "entertaining-second" roots of a good interview instead of where so many have steered lately. But I won't use your thread as a soap box, just thanks again for revealing great insights into a band I didn't know enough about but couldn't wait to learn more. Your efforts and talents have been greatly appreciated!
AMBR said:
Nice job, Bill. All the interviews have been insightful and informative. Refreshing to see someone go back to the "informative-first" and "entertaining-second" roots of a good interview instead of where so many have steered lately. But I won't use your thread as a soap box, just thanks again for revealing great insights into a band I didn't know enough about but couldn't wait to learn more. Your efforts and talents have been greatly appreciated!

Thanks AMBR! I truly appreciate your comments.

Glad you liked this, as well as the other, interviews.

I actually do have another "surprise" interview coming up, someone who just last night replied with a Yes to my interview request e-mail. I'm very excited to talk to him because I'm a huge fan of his work.

More soon...

