Looking for May Neilson

Pete Morten

Jan 18, 2007
Hi everybody, Pete Morten here from Threshold. After our show on the Friday night I got talking to a cool girl named May Neilson and I was just wondering if anybody on this forum knew who she was. She lives in Copenhagen I believe and she may be a regular attendee at 'The Rock'
If anybody could help with this that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Pete :)
Well hi there O_O

I dunno who she is at all, but I'm from Scotland so I didn't expect to :p

But the point of my message is that I was couchsurfing with a guy called Troels Neilsen, he frequents The Rock quite a lot. Just, if you are trying to find her, her name may be spelt completely different and apparently in Denmark 'Neilsen' is in the top 5 most popular surnames!

Failing that, next time he's on MSN I can ask if he knows her.

xx Kirsty
Hi Kirst-ehhh

Thankyou so much for your reply. I would very much appreciate you asking your friend, just in case. You never know Although I had know Idea
that 'Neilson' would be such a popular name in Demark, but as its happens her name was spelt the same way as you have typed it. I know that much.
I have this funny feeling though that I'll never see or hear from her again. Oh well!
Were you by any chance with a guy at the front for Thresholds show?
I seem to remember giving two very cool scottish people two plectrums!
Could this be you Kirst-ehhh ha ha.

Thanks again

Pete x
Haha! It might have been :p I was indeed there with a fellow Scot and also an 'Italian'.

I was wearing a Threshold t-shirt, I got plectrums and a Threshold setlist too *band geeeeek*. The set was amazing. The sound was good for such a small venue!

I've sent my friend an e-mail. So we'll just have to wait and see if he knows and/or can track down your mystery lady! Didn't you have the foresight to take each others numbers!? *tuts* Heh.

You posted this message on the ProgPower Scandinavia forum on here, yeah? :)

xx Kirsty
Hi there Kirst-ehh So it was you and your male friend (who had black long hair) that I gave two plectrums too!
I remember saying that they were my last two! It was definitely you guys because I remember you wearing a Dead Reckoning T-shirt! Brilliant!!!!!

I live in the midlands in the UK, in Derby. On my travels with Threshold this year I have met people from all over the world but it doesn't matter where I've played, wether it be in America or Europe there have always been loads of people from the UK there. It amazes me the hard-core fan bases out there for touring bands. They travel so far!

Thanks again Kirst for your efforts with trying to locate May Neilson. I hope your friend knows who she is!
Be sure to let me know as soon as you hear anything!

Many thanks

Pete X
Haha! It might have been :p I was indeed there with a fellow Scot and also an 'Italian'.

I was wearing a Threshold t-shirt, I got plectrums and a Threshold setlist too *band geeeeek*. The set was amazing. The sound was good for such a small venue!

I've sent my friend an e-mail. So we'll just have to wait and see if he knows and/or can track down your mystery lady! Didn't you have the foresight to take each others numbers!? *tuts* Heh.

You posted this message on the ProgPower Scandinavia forum on here, yeah? :)

xx Kirsty

Lol 'Italian'. I could pass off as anything I want to, mwaha

By the way Pete, I've got a bunch of good pictures from the show. You want me to send them to you?
Ah the wonderful Derby, the place I stop off once a year and buy loads of beer for heading to Bloodstock Open Air :p

So yeah, some bad news I'm afraid though! After a few e-mails back and forth, my friend says he's pretty sure he doesn't know of this elusive lady May Neilson >.<

And Spike, indeed you could! Mr. I-Speak-About-Fifty-Languages-And-Can-Talk-To-Eldritch-And-Be-All-Italian.

*bursts in* OH YEAH!

xx Kirsty

EDIT: Oh, and Pete, congratulations on posting in this here Firewind forum more than any of the members of Firewind put together :D They are a bunch of lurkers!!! I see them at gigs and they are all "yeah I read that on the forum". *narrows eyes and shakes fist* I KNOW YOU'RE READING! Haha. /end random rant
That's exactly what I told you! My English is pure :cool:

Same goes for French, Spanish and to some extent Italian (at times, I have an accent) but the other ones are also accent-less... I can therefore change my identity at will!!