Lord Tracy, WWIII, Fifth Angel and more !

ashaman7122 said:
Jesus...I've probably just pissed off the faithful Krokus fans.

Rock on!


After reading these comments about Krokus, I "Stayed Awake All Night" "Screaming in the Night" after I "Lay Me Down" next to my "Bedside Radio." If I have to find a "Headhunter" or a "Midnite Maniac" to come to your "Hot Shot City" and make his "Long Stick Go Boom," I will--just to stop these horrible comments!


Oh yeah--"Eat the Rich"...Atkins says it's okay!
Nothing wrong with Krokus.. although I'm finding it hard t digest htat he's in Warrior.. I mean.. it's WARRIOR !!!

heheh In all honesty though, that 2nd Warrior disc wasn't all that.. Pray was a killer tune, but the rest of it was very blah. Code of Life was MUUUUUCCCHH better. But, being that I'm the one Krokus fan out of all my friends I'll keep that secret to myself until they get to hear it.

and for the record.. Screaming in the Night is still one of my favorite "ballads" from the 80s... the video on the other hand.... well...
Creeps said:
and for the record.. Screaming in the Night is still one of my favorite "ballads" from the 80s... the video on the other hand.... well...

Hey Creeps, I agree with ya...even though I was poking fun, I'm still a closet Krokus fan, too...but that video makes me keep it veeerrrryyy quiet.

ok, I know the lineup for PP5 was announced and the forum is erupting with mostly praise but I have to do a lil review for the new WWIII disc here...

I got he CD in the mail Monday and listened to it that night.. then I took it for "the drive" today with the volume up and REALLY listened to it.

Damn. I'm impressed. not one let down on the whole disc. There are 2 remixes o_O that round out the CD, they through me for a loop (get it? loop har har) because that's something I never expected on a WWIII album.

It sounds a lot different fromt he debut.. 13 years I think would do that, not to mention the lineup changes. It's got everything you could ever want for a WWIII album. monster riffs, crunching bass & drums and of course Mandy Lion who sounds like he hasn't lost a step, not one. :worship: You have to understand that I hold the first album so high on a pedestal that only the Metal God himself can look down upon it, that I was hoping and praying that this album would not let me down. It did not... not one little bit.

My favorite tracks on the album are Rise, Let the Flesh Rule the Mind, Fighting For the Earth (a Warrior cover from one of the greates albums ever recorded), Reason and Kill the Lord of This World. Every song on this album is good, but those are my favorites.

I strongly urge you to buy this album if you own the debut WWIII disc, and hell, even if you don't :loco:

The only bad part is that no radio station in my area is going to air any of it. They're too hung up on Korn, Kid Rock and playing the same damn Pink Floyd songs over and over to give a shit to try something new. I hope a lot of real metal shows pick it up on air and on the net. This album crushes. :headbang: