Marco Hietala to leave his band life behind


Sep 17, 2003
Charlotte, NC
Just took this off the website!

Marco to leave his band life behind

Marco Hietala, having fallen in love with choral singing during his stint as a choir leader in the Finnish version of the TV talent show Last Choir Standing, has, after a long consideration, reached a difficult but unavoidable decision. He will quit his band career and concentrate solely on choral singing in the future.

Says Marco: "I’ve banged my head against the wall in various troupes ever since the early 80’s and raced around the world like a chicken with its head cut off. It took me 30 years to find the source of ultimate musical orgasm. In Last Choir Standing I realized there was no sense in making a fool of myself on stage with a bunch of hippies and spend my nights dazed in afterparties, while I could concentrate my energies on real musical art in the form of choral singing. It’s a process of growing up. With me, it just took a bit longer than usually."

In order to orientate towards his new lifestyle, Marco will retreat into a monastery to study choral singing. Brother Zacharius, a master of liturgical chant, will mentor the new “choirboy".

"I am not familiar with Marco’s former music", confesses Brother Zacharius, “but based on the photograph enclosed with his application, he does have certain visual characteristics required of a good brethren. We wish to welcome him warmly to our monastery and believe that he will find his place among the brotherhood."

"It is general knowledge that they appreciate fine drink in the monasteries", Marco muses, "so basically the transition shouldn’t be as radical as you might initially think."

Marco’s decision took the Nightwish camp by total surprise, although some seem to understand the bass player’s choice.

Says Jukka: "I can’t say that I would have expected this, but when you think about, Marco has dropped a lot hints of his true calling along the years. I’m sure everybody remembers the scene from From Wishes to Eternity DVD where Marco performs the song "Kolme Kättä ja Kuusi Penistä" backstage and manages to get everybody to join him. I can tell you it wasn’t the only time he assembled an impromptu choir. Also, he never was much of a bass player, so it’s kinda cool that he concentrates on something else from now on."

Now, obviously an April Fools joke, but I'll admit the headline scared me when I first read it on their site. Good one Nightwish!
Oh ya, definately original.
Like I said at the bottom of the post, the headline got me at first. I think "Last Choir Standing" sort of made me slap my head and remember what day it was now. Actually, I still have to remember to convert dates to "American". I first looked at the post and thought "January 4th". :)
LOLZ.... But didn't you forget something... ?


I mean, this pic which is linked to the end of the original news article text on :heh:

Gotta love them for keeping up the tradition. :headbang:

Heh, NW never let's April 1st go by w/o some little joke. It's doubly amusing how many people fall for it.
The first one I remember is when their shop was "selling" stick-on Marco beards:


To enhance the deception, I posted that I actually bought them and got a photo with Marco wearing them:

(photo taken at ProgPower IV)

Yea, a lot of people fell for it. :lol:
Only the guys in Nightwish could pull this off, LMFAO, caught me by surprise until i went back and read the date, and remembered the Marco stick-on beards.
Oh yeah right...missed this on 4-1

Hell would freeze first

now i recognise this, someone posted a bit on Zac's FB wall. hah!