Mega Man 9

We do have a drunk post topic (started by you), well.. all your posts are drunk which make that thread completely redundant, but oh well.

I just bought it Yesterday. I got through Concrete Man and Tornado Man. Concrete Man was easy and I beat it in 3 lives, but Tornado Man gave me a hard time. I usually take 15 min breaks after every 5 deaths and that usually helps me out.

Overall very fun, and for $10 you cant go wrong.
I have had the Japanese version for years and beat it many times...

Zach, give the liver a break man! It's only Wednesday!:lol:
Nah man, this topic is about the brand new Megaman 9 game. It was just released on Oct 25th for the Wii, 360, and PS3.

Wow, really!? There was 'Rockman and Forte' that was released in only Japan and called (Incorrectly, I'm now assuming) Mega Man 9. I guess I'll have to order this for the Wii. Assuming my brother and/or sister didn't already get it.:cool:
yeah, this game is hard as fuck. It's a lot of fun though. It took me a few weeks of play, though not constant. If it was constant play, i would have high blood pressure and probably be dead.


That's completely believable. With the exception of 7 & 8, I found all of the original Mega Man games hard as hell. Especially the first one!:zombie:
this is beyond that... but maybe because i've not played through it 18 times yet. First attempt into wiley's castle was disastrous. After I beat it once though (which took about a week) I was able to immediately beat it again a second time, and drunk. So i'm thinking with a little work, this won't be difficult to pull off.
Overall very fun, and for $10 you cant go wrong.

Yes you can, you're paying $10 for one Mega Man NES style game when you could simply go to a store and buy all of them for NES for under $10. Not to mention the fact that that you actually have to pay extra just to get Proto Man. It's ridiculous.
Yes you can, you're paying $10 for one Mega Man NES style game when you could simply go to a store and buy all of them for NES for under $10. Not to mention the fact that that you actually have to pay extra just to get Proto Man. It's ridiculous.

Some of us already own and have played through all the old ones and are happy to be able to get a "new" old megaman game.

Anyway, I have not had as hard of a time with this game as I thought I would. The hardest part is when you first start and have no clue which bosses will be easy enough to beat with your regular weapon so you can get a start on obtaining special weapons. The Wily level is pretty hardcore as they always are though. I myself have made it to the Wily level but have not really sat down to try and beat it yet. Probably will do so later today.
or how about this swabs. How about you stop being an asshole and realize that you weren't even born when most of the old games came out so you have no idea what kind of nostalgic value they have? Mega man games were a part of my generation's gaming childhood and having a new game is better than any fuckin' sweet graphics or super realistic gameplay. Those games were far more fun than anything that anything out today by far. This game is fantastic and I hope to christ that they take the great feedback and success of the game and run with it. How 'bout a new mario brothers sidescroller with shit graphics? That would make my fucking year... even though mega man already did that :D
or how about this swabs. How about you stop being an asshole and realize that you weren't even born when most of the old games came out so you have no idea what kind of nostalgic value they have? Mega man games were a part of my generation's gaming childhood and having a new game is better than any fuckin' sweet graphics or super realistic gameplay. Those games were far more fun than anything that anything out today by far. This game is fantastic and I hope to christ that they take the great feedback and success of the game and run with it. How 'bout a new mario brothers sidescroller with shit graphics? That would make my fucking year... even though mega man already did that :D


The Mega Man and Final Fantasy games where my childhood. I pretty much spent my entire first 13 years of life hunting down Dr. Wily, Sigma and Sephiroth. Then one day I was pulling my pork in the shower and haven't really looked back since. Times change, but man are those games great!
or how about this swabs. How about you stop being an asshole and realize that you weren't even born when most of the old games came out so you have no idea what kind of nostalgic value they have? Mega man games were a part of my generation's gaming childhood and having a new game is better than any fuckin' sweet graphics or super realistic gameplay. Those games were far more fun than anything that anything out today by far. This game is fantastic and I hope to christ that they take the great feedback and success of the game and run with it. How 'bout a new mario brothers sidescroller with shit graphics? That would make my fucking year... even though mega man already did that :D

Did I fucking say ANYTHING about wanting a new shiny wonderful Graphics Mega Man? Why don't you try actually reading my post rather than jumping to a conclusion just because of my age.
or how about this swabs. How about you stop being an asshole and realize that you weren't even born when most of the old games came out so you have no idea what kind of nostalgic value they have?

or how about you stop being a presumptuous prick.

and why did you call him an asshole? and me a fag on messenger not long ago? are you having a fucking period or something?
Did I fucking say ANYTHING about wanting a new shiny wonderful Graphics Mega Man? Why don't you try actually reading my post rather than jumping to a conclusion just because of my age.

Ok, let me put it this way. The reason why anyone would spend 10 dollars on a new mega man game is because it's new. We haven't played it before. Mega Man 2 was one of the first games I ever played. The fact is that you WERE born after the majority of those original games came out, so it's not presumptuous of me to say they probably didn't have the same impact on you. And again, you're not paying attention to what I wrote. I said that I, ME MYSELF AND I (as well as many in my age group) are excited about having a game with shitty graphics and shitty 8 bit sound that kicks ass. It's better than any new game that could be released today. That was the point. The only thing that had anything to do with your age is the absolute fact that you weren't there when this was going down, so it probably doesn't mean as much to you as it does to the older nerds. And I've beat mega man 1-6 so many times that there's no need to play them again unless I'm just having a chill evening at home. This was a challenge and a lot of fun not knowing the level map by heart. The end.

And Erik, I call a lot of people fags online, i don't remember the specific instance. My bad, but it wasn't personal. I don't think it's my period either, just a bloody asshole from using this goddamned 1 ply toilet paper. That shit should be illegal.
And Erik, I call a lot of people fags online, i don't remember the specific instance. My bad, but it wasn't personal. I don't think it's my period either, just a bloody asshole from using this goddamned 1 ply toilet paper. That shit should be illegal.

1 ply FTW! I roll of Scott's 1000 sheets lasts me a week, and never costs me a pint! :Smokedev: