Melodic Death/Thrash


Feb 24, 2002
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Just wanted to see how many of you like the so-called "melodic-death" genre and what bands you listen to. Here are some of my favorites:

Children of Bodom: My favorite melodic death band of all-time. One of my favorite bands overall! Alexi Laiho fucking rocks!!!

Diablo: Killer melodic death/hardcore band from Finland. Their last album, Eternium, is one of my fav metal albums.

In Flames: Up to Clayman

Dark Tranquillity: especially the last two albums

Scar Symmetry: killer band! Their debut album reminds me of Soilwork in their best days, but even better!

Soilwork: Up to Natural Born Chaos

Norther: Another Finnish band in the vein of Bodom!

Kalmah: Very underrated Finnish band.

Imperanon: Bodom clones.

Ensiferum: viking folk melodic death. Saw them live a few months ago and was blown away!

Wintersun: Another great band from Finland (formed by ex Ensiferum frontman)

Eternal Tears of Sorrow: another killer Finish melodic death band. They just reformed so I can't wait for their new album.

Nightrage: featuring Gus G on guitars.

And many more.....
I'm more into the more heavy melodic "death/thrash" style:

The Crown - Masters of the genre, Deathrace King is outstanding, but all are recommended

Dew Scented - The Haunted style with more melody, better riffing, catchier songs and a much lamer band name, LOL. The Inwards and Impact albums are highly recommended and they have a new one coming out very soon (Issue VI).

Naglfar - Insanity with Melody!! Killer melodic death/black thrash. Seek out any album.

Dissection - basically ditto with Naglfar

The Duskfall - definitely qualifies as traditional melodic death - great melodies. Frailty is highly recommended.

Arise - nothing unique about them, but they do what they do well and that's melodic death/thrash. Kings of the Cloned Generation and The Godly Work of Art are recommended.

You brought up Ensiferum as well, so here's some viking melodic death/black bands for you:

Moonsorrow - Masters of the genre. Period. Any album highly recommended

Thyrfing - highly respected as well. Urkraft and Valdr Galga are recommended.

Falkenbach - more accessible, but just as effective. Any album recommended.

There's some for starters. :)
I use to enjoy this style, but have recently begun to tire of it. I think Melodic Death has a shelf-life for most of the people who listen to it. It's a genre that seems to have pretty rigid boundaries, and sylistically it's pretty formulated.

I like a lot of the bands you mentioned; pre-Reroute In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Soilwork (except FN5), etc. The problem is, the younger bands in the genre are following the well beaten path, rather than building something of their own. And the few bands that have stayed trued to the style have stagnated, rather than become creative.

The more I listen to it, the more I consider Clayman to be a classic melodic death metal album. Serioiusly. Nothing else in the genre sounds like it and there are some damn quality songs on there. Ironically, I'm not really into the song Only for the Weak though, which most fans seem to love. Go figure. Must be that whole "Wheeee, I'm jumping up and down onstage and looking like a fag, follow me and be cool!! Wheeee!!!"

EDIT - BTW, Zod, I agree with you for the most part. That's why I really got into the heavier side of the genre. More staying power and more balls out metal without sounding like it's trying to be trendy. Just play. No bullshit.
I also enjoy the heavier sounding bands, I guess I was focusing more on the typical melodic death metal bands with lots of solos and melodies.
Other heavier melodic death bands I like include:

Amon Amarth
Dimmu Borgir
Soul Demise
Arch Enemy

My favorites are:

In Flames (Lunar Strain to present, it's all awesome)
Arch Enemy (esp. Black Earth, but they've been doing nothing but improving since Angela Gossow joined)
Dark Tranquillity (esp. Skydancer, and recent material)
Edge of Sanity (esp. Crimson)
Anything else Dan Swano related, including Moontower, Pan-Thy-Monium, and Bloodbath
Septic Flesh
Vociferation Eternity (a little-known, super-melodic band from Singapore)

...and last but not least, Martyr. They're a super-technical melodic death metal band from Canada.

I'm sure there are others that I love, but these are the ones that spring instantly to mind. I left out metalcore bands, even though most bands in that genre are similar to these.
I enjoy that style a lot... It may be not the newest thing in the world nowadays, but who doesn't like to headbang to an album like Character (Dark Tranquility) ?
Uhmmm . My favortive band in this style is DARK TRANQUILLITY, i saw them alive here in my city last June 10th, and was incredible... really amazing..
very very clear sound... powerful voices, Mikel Stenner mixed clean and gutural voices perfectly. :worship: :worship:

All albums are great... "Projector" perhaps it´s my favorite (check "thereln" song), and "character" also are awesome.
if you are interested, you can see some photos of this concert here

When I first heard of the Gothenburg "melodic death metal sound," I was amazed. A great combination of melody and brutality. I don't know what happened, but the newer bands (and even the evolution of the older bands) have turned it into something far from its beginning. The perfect example is comparing old In Flames to new. It's depressing, considering that is the same band that concieved The Jester Race and Whoracle.

I've seen many incredible bands named, one being Gardenian, one of the better bands that "failed" and were forgotten to Soilwork and Darkane's popularity (both of which have become mediocre as of late :( ). Wintersun's debut is one of the best album's I've heard in a long time, every song is work of art.

Dark Tranquillity has always been consistent, even with experimentation. Arch Enemy has always been consistent, chick or not; Scar Symmetry is great, and Nightrage's Sweet Vengeance was awesome featuring plenty of Gus G, Tomas Lindberg's trademark vocals, and even Tom Englund's beautiful voice on a few tracks.

I could ramble on and on, but i'll just quickly pick at a few other wonderful bands named. Naglfar is awesome (Diabolical is incredible) and I can't wait to hear Pariah, Kalmah's swamp metal is fantastic, Eternal Tears of Sorrow are amazing, Dissection is classic, Centinex, Amon Amarth, The Everdawn, Graveworm (not much on the latest album), etc etc etc.
I like almost every band listed above, but mostly In Flames (especially Clayman), Soilwork (Natural Born Chaos), Darkane (Layers Of Lies), Dark Tranquility (Character), Children Of Bodom (Hate Crew Deathroll), Dimmu Borgir (Enthrone Darkness Triumphant), Amon Amarth (Fate Of Norns), and Arch Enemy (Wages Of Sin).

Surprisingly no one posted either of these bands Arsis and Mors Principium Est both extremely quality bands. CHECK' EM OUT!
Gardenian's "Sindustries" cd is phenomenal. And what about Crematory?!?!? I know they are often put into the "goth" genre, but they make some damn solid cds!
Heh heh.

CONTROL DENIED God rest Chuck's soul

Into Eternity
Later-era Death

And most certainly IF's Clayman cuz that album had some kind of magic on it. I've had discussions and arguments about this concept, and I think I've nailed it pretty closely:

Clayman was a perfect album because of its sound engineering and tonality. If you listen to a single instrument, you can hear it perfectly. It sounds great. The bass guitar has the rippiest, gnarliest tone. The guitars each have a slightly different tone, and standing alone, they don't have weak nasally sounds or harsh frequencies that hurt the ear after the third time through the album. The drums are loud and clean and aren't processed or artificial sounding. But the magic occurs when all the parts are summed together. The guitars do not cross over into the bass guitar's range. The drums don't drown out the vocals. Everything complements each other perfectly! Standing alone, you can hear each instrument perfectly with all their nuances and precise playing. Together, it's a monstrous thunder of perfection.

And the songwriting was hellarifftastic.
Dark One said:
The more I listen to it, the more I consider Clayman to be a classic melodic death metal album. Serioiusly. Nothing else in the genre sounds like it and there are some damn quality songs on there. Ironically, I'm not really into the song Only for the Weak though...
This CD takes too much shit. It's a superb disc. And I really dig "Only for the Weak".

Dark One said:
EDIT - BTW, Zod, I agree with you for the most part. That's why I really got into the heavier side of the genre. More staying power and more balls out metal without sounding like it's trying to be trendy. Just play. No bullshit.
Understandable. I'm slowly (sometimes, very slowly) drifting in that direction as well.

Dark One said:
The more I listen to it, the more I consider Clayman to be a classic melodic death metal album. Serioiusly. Nothing else in the genre sounds like it and there are some damn quality songs on there. Ironically, I'm not really into the song Only for the Weak though, which most fans seem to love. Go figure. Must be that whole "Wheeee, I'm jumping up and down onstage and looking like a fag, follow me and be cool!! Wheeee!!!"

EDIT - BTW, Zod, I agree with you for the most part. That's why I really got into the heavier side of the genre. More staying power and more balls out metal without sounding like it's trying to be trendy. Just play. No bullshit.

Only gor the Weak is the song that got me into the whole genre..nut just the sub genre anything Death or even Black Metal realated. It just clicked when I heard that song...I think probably it has such a great melody that clean vox wouldn't handle as alot of other melodic death metal songs and melodic black metal songs too.
Cool, yep, I'm into about 70% of the bands mentioned in the thread (haven't heard the other 30%...yet, anyway :)) and play them frequently on WREKage. Good to see Disarmonia Mundi and Mors Principium Est listed. I'll also toss in Lunaris.

Dark One, that new Dew-Scented CD (Issue VI) sounds really good; our consensus at the station was that it shouldn't disappoint any current fans. \m/