Mercyful King - Fantastic covers

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
As you may have guessed I quite like covers be they pop or metal ones. Being a youtube junkie and searching for covers led me to this band called Mercyful King. Three Swedes who do KD/MF covers apparently. They've got 3 covers on youtube - 1 KD and 2 MF. The production value is immense on both and the performances are top notch. They do MF's Evil and Black Funeral and KD's Welcome Home and do them to perfection. I like the Welcome Home one best of all as I prefer KD to MF by a long way. They should do more these guys rule!

WOW if you didn't know better you would think it was the King himself. Very awesome indeed. King Diamond is my favorite band by far. You made my day Fire Breath. Thanks again
Cool that you like it mate. KD is also my fave band as well. I own every sing King disk including the so called bad ones. My fave KD disk will always be Them. You're right about the voice as these guys do the falsetto to almost perfection and nail the music.