mesa rectifier vs peavey 6505

i have to admit that the abyss guitars look really great
i didn't know this brand
the nice think here in switzerland is that we have the best wood for instruments because of the cold weather some regions near my location
goes easely under 40° celsius sor the wood is really tight and resonating
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Those guitars are insanely thin, doesn't that affect their sound and their resonance / sustain ?

Nooooo!! That's why I love them so much!! A guy came to my venue with two of those in a standard gig bag!! He was even using EMG single-coils and still had a fat tone and his solos sounded awesome, easiest band I ever had to mix live.

Shame I can't afford one, yet!!
I only like women with a chunky butt (think J-Lo...). That might explain why I only like chunky round guitars. Gibson power.:p