More from Timo Tolkki...LOL

Man...I just read it...and there is just so much that is fucked up with that entire statement...

Biggest shake your head moment?...the "firing" of Anders a few weeks back.

Overall...sounds like he had already hoisted a few beverages before he started writing...the dude needs help...

...just too funny.
Speaking of which that the hate mail has continued to pour in. I have received about 40 hand written letters of hate mail. Miss K has received more and the most horrible thing was in the form of a packet that arrived from Brazil. It contained SHIT. Thank you very much indeed from the bottom of our drunken hearts.


Those damn Brazilians! :lol:
JayKeeley said:
*prepares to mail packet full of Brazilian cow dung to Curufin* :lol:

Hey, at least it wasn't Anthrax in that letter! :loco:
It'd have to be a pretty bulky letter....although not all THAT tall, come to think of it. :D

/me pictures Scotty Ian clambering out of an envelope.... :wave:
Madness caught another victim...and the victim's name is Rakosh. o_O

After reading all the twists and turns in this nightmare, I ended up getting infected with Stratovarius-on-the-brain. I hadn't picked up a Strat album since Infinite (and even then rarely gave it a spin), but this circus made me seek out Elements I & II to see what I'd been missing. Too bad this band has imploded in such spectacular fashion. I really enjoyed those two albums. I guess Tolkki's "any press is good press" mindfuck worked on me. I bought 2 cd's...but somehow I feel like I just gave water to drowning man.

I really don't think that this is a publicity stunt...I think its alcoholism. I also think its stupid and the band is going the way of the dodo, especially if the new material will sound like "pantera, but more melodic maybe". SO we all might as well have a bitter laugh or two or three at the antics. :lol:
You have to remember though, Tolkki called "Elements Pt 1" 2003's version of "Dreamspace".


It wasn't the slightest like Dreamspace *probably their most progressive album*.

So that's why the comment by Tolkki of it being like pantera really means nothing. I think the new material will just be heavier...