Most anticipated albums of 2014


Sep 13, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Already a whole lot of great stuff announced. 2013 will be a hard year to top but I think these bands can do it easily.

Dead Congregation
High Spirits
I don't care what anyone else thinks and to each their own. Gamma Ray are my favorite band and I like everything they've done. Nothing will change that. The power metal that they put out is leagues beyond most power metal releases. There rarely are new power metal bands that are memorable to me. Orden Ogan, Kiuas and Hibria are the newer bands I dig and they are not even really that new with each having 4 albums out. This Evertale band sounds like they could be good but they are pretty much ripping off Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray/Helloween and Rhapsody. So I would probably just be better off listening to Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray/Helloween and Rhapsody. Or even the first couple Hammerfall albums.
Oh, you shouldn't care what anyone thinks!!
I even said I am looking forward to the new GR.
I am a fan, I just really didnt like the last one.

That's like me with Motorhead.
I truly feel they have NEVER put out a bad album, and as a lifelong fan I find pleasure with each release (Wow, that sounded NAUGHTY!!!)
I don't like Unisonic either. They serve a purpose, though: hopefully Kai will use it to get all the soft rock out of his system so Gamma Ray will be full-on kick ass metal again. Also, if it means Kikse won't appear on any more GR albums, all the better.

Even though "To the Metal!" was one of their worst, half of it was really good and I'm not going to count them out just yet.
I loved the UNISONIC album.
Fun listen from top to bottom.
No, not the most metal album of all time, but it was never meant to be.
I can certainly not argue against why people don't like it.
it is half good and half filler. I haven't gone back in almost 5 months or so to listen to it again.

This is my feeling on it too. I also feel and not just directing this at you Jason but that people love it more because of who's in it than the quality of the songs.