Most Influential Thrash Band?


Nov 19, 2001
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What thrash band is the most influential in metal. By influential I mean has influence other metal bands.

In my opinion Slayer is by far the most influential, followed by Sepultura, Sodom, Testament, and Kreator. I was thinking of this, as the big 2 thrash bands, metallica and megadeth have really no influence at all, nor does anthrax.
Slayer is not a bad answer, but saying Metallica has had "no" influence is fucking RIDICULOUS TO NO FUCKING END. Also, I wouldn't underestimate the influence of early Sodom on mainly black metal.
It would have to be Slayer since we're talking about all genres of Metal, and not just Thrash Metal, but in the Thrash scene, Metallica had a tremendous influence.
Still Venom. Without Venom, no Metallica, Slayer, Exodus, Sepultura, Mayhem etc. The only chance of not acceping Venom as the most influential thrash band would be labelling them as black metal.
I'm not certain they're either. But very very influential on most every thrash band, yes, without doubt.

Rottuated said:
This isn't my word, I heard this from someone else, but isn't Sodom black metal?
Not anymore, for certain. Yes, "In the Sign of Evil" is basically black metal, but musically it's very thrash. It's one of those really early black metal albums that can be called either thrash or black metal.
Yes venom was first, but the former Metallica is the most influencial thrash band. I'm sorry slayer has their riffs here in their but they pale in comparison to old Metallica in full force, guns blazing, Like damage Inc. or Mustaine's horsemen (he wrote most of that song).
i always considered slayer speed metal....

i thought thrash was stuff like motorhead but hey....

that said id probaly say slayer, you hear that riffing throughout a lot of early death metal...
Im a pretty big thrash fan, ive got alot of obsure bands, and i rarely hear band with a strong metallica influence. Alot of thrash bands cover metallica songs, or even use a metallica riff ( megadeths riffs are occasionally used as well), but thats it. I hear testament in alot of melodic death bands. Sepultura in most modern thrash bands, and kreator in the new death thrash( like dew scented).