Mt. Gildenlow set to erupt?

Dec 16, 2002
Report: Europe May Begin Fingerprinting Foreign Travelers

The European Commission is set to propose tomorrow that all foreign travelers entering and exiting Europe, including American citizens, should be fingerprinted, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
If approved by the European Parliament, the proposal would mean that precisely identifying information on tens of millions of citizens will be added in coming years to databases that could be shared by friendly governments around the world, the paper reported.
The U.S. already requires foreigners be fingerprinted and photographed before they enter the country. Now top European security officials want to follow suit, with travelers being fingerprinted and some also having their facial images stored in a Europe-wide database, according to a copy of the proposal obtained by The Washington Post.
The plan is part of a growing trend to collect and share data to identify and track people to combat illegal migration, terrorism and organized crime.
"It's the only way to be really sure about identifying people," a European Commission official familiar with the fingerprinting plan told the newspaper.,2933,330391,00.html
Feel free to move this over to the lounge area if need be. It's borderline music related because of Daniel's outcry in the past about the US fingerprinting. After I posted it I kind of thought it might be better located over there.

That sure will limit touring possibilities for those opposed.

I truly do not care except for the added time it would take. If there was a fast way to do it or some advance form of recording your prints, it'd be no big deal at all as far as I'm concerned. It's any further travel delays that would irk me.
:lol: I think you're right, Britt. Mt. Gildenlow will likely erupt over this. I'm just SOOOO glad that it isn't America this time! Truly a shame, because I'd love to see PoS again. Although I don't think it would be the same without Kristoffer on bass.

Speaking of which (and keeping it musically related), Kristoffer is now part of a Swedish/Dutch alternative prog rock act called Dial. I haven't really checked them out yet, but I hadn't even heard anything about this before. Although it does appear that they supported Riverside for a few dates in NL. The little bit I have checked out sounds good.
Then again Rick, maybe Daniel won't say a peep since it's not something the US is involved in this time. Hopefully he's as angered about Europe fingerprinting as he was when the US started doing that. Maybe also this will make him more apt to consider coming to the US again .. we'll see. It could be that this whole thing will be a moot point if the proposition doesn't pass.

Then again Rick, maybe Daniel won't say a peep since it's not something the US is involved in this time. Hopefully he's as angered about Europe fingerprinting as he was when the US started doing that. Maybe also this will make him more apt to consider coming to the US again .. we'll see. It could be that this whole thing will be a moot point if the proposition doesn't pass.

True. Or he may just blame it on us for giving them the idea! :lol: Yes, hopefully he's just as pissed. This is true, but I'm not holding my breath. Yes, that is true too, but in light of today's security issues, I have a feeling that it will. Hopefully they are prepared to deal with it.
Retinal scans will eventually be required also, but the government can't demand all those things at once otherwise it would get way to creepy way too fast for the public. So, just a little bit of creepiness and Big Brother demands carefully spaced until Big Brother can follow our every move, ala Orwell's 1984.
Retinal scans will eventually be required also, but the government can't demand all those things at once otherwise it would get way to creepy way too fast for the public. So, just a little bit of creepiness and Big Brother demands carefully spaced until Big Brother can follow our every move, ala Orwell's 1984.
They will be placing GPS devices under our skin before we know it ;) Hell, I think that stuff is already going on probably .. at least with cats and dogs.

Report: Europe May Begin Fingerprinting Foreign Travelers

The European Commission is set to propose tomorrow that all foreign travelers entering and exiting Europe, including American citizens, should be fingerprinted, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.
If approved by the European Parliament, the proposal would mean that precisely identifying information on tens of millions of citizens will be added in coming years to databases that could be shared by friendly governments around the world, the paper reported.
The U.S. already requires foreigners be fingerprinted and photographed before they enter the country. Now top European security officials want to follow suit, with travelers being fingerprinted and some also having their facial images stored in a Europe-wide database, according to a copy of the proposal obtained by The Washington Post.
The plan is part of a growing trend to collect and share data to identify and track people to combat illegal migration, terrorism and organized crime.
"It's the only way to be really sure about identifying people," a European Commission official familiar with the fingerprinting plan told the newspaper.,2933,330391,00.html

I'd love some sort of retinal or finger print identification. This way, when people lose their wallets, they can still board. Or, when band members are too careless to bring all the right paperwork, they can fly to their shows. There's a difference between infringement on freedom and outright technophobia. I never buy the slippery slope argument. Just my 2 cents.

The Michael
I'd love some sort of retinal or finger print identification. This way, when people lose their wallets, they can still board. Or, when band members are too careless to bring all the right paperwork, they can fly to their shows. There's a difference between infringement on freedom and outright technophobia. I never buy the slippery slope argument. Just my 2 cents.

The Michael

Thank you. I agree 100%. It's just absolute paranoia imo, and completely unneccessary.
:lol: Just because he agrees with you on PoS. Geeezz... Oddly, I think that Zod and I agree more on music in some ways than you and I. PoS seems to be that one band. Oh well...

I can only keep you out of the lemming brigade for so long...:Smug:

As for the agreement factor, just wait til you hit my age, and become old & jaded... Did you try any Volbeat yet, Mr. "I love EVERYTHING"? :Smokedev: