My Cleveland/Chicago SymX Adventure


Forum Goddess
Feb 11, 2002
San Jose, CA
Well, I flew out this past weekend for the Cleveland/Chicago's a Cliffs Notes version of my trip:

Thursday Evening/Friday Morning:

My plane left San Jose for Chicago just before 11pm on Thursday night..I was hoping to sleep, but the combination of a very uncomfortable, non-reclining exit-row seat, and the two unhappy infants on the plane allowed me only about a half hour nap. Better than nothing! Landed at O'Hare a bit early, made my way to the rental car place & got my car, and headed out to Cleveland! Let me say, after having experienced Chicago traffic at its worst during previous trips through the city, driving through Chicago at 5:30am is the way to go! The drive went smoothly, no problems whatsoever. However, I was SO tired that I had to have the air conditioning on in the car to keep me was so cold I could see my breath! But it did the job, & i survived the 5+ hour drive without falling asleep at the wheel.

Friday Afternoon/Evening:

Got to Cleveland in one piece & grabbed a shower (and my second wind) before heading to the venue, & arrived as SymX was sound checking. I was happy to see that they were set up in the Theater side (the "big stage") of the Agora rather than the Ballroom side (the "small stage", a more bar-like atmosphere)..seems they were supposed to play the Ballroom, but it didn't have the power supplies that they needed, so the Theater it was! Had a chance to chat with Jim Pitulski, Bob Snyder, and Eric Corbin of Inside Out Music America, & then talk with all the guys a bit before they had to go get ready. They put on a great set, & the crowd was a respectable size despite the fact that Dio/Hammerfall/King's X were in town the same night (they guys actually went & caught the end of Dio's set after their own set, & had a chance to meet him afterwards..they were all quite glad they were able to do that).
Decided to save the partying & socializing for the next night, because I needed sleep before driving back to Chicago, so I gave hugs to the guys after their set, & took off to go get some sleep.


Drove back to Chicago, nice smooth drive again (no drowsiness or air conditioning this time though, thank goodness), found the venue & hopped on the tour bus with the guys while they waited for soundcheck. Saw Jason heading out to find Guitar Center so he could get some sticks, & sat & chatted with LePond & Pinella for a while, which was nice because I rarely get a chance to talk with them at length. Romeo came wandering out after a bit, & Russ soon afterwards, & we all sat & talked & laughed until we decided to go in & check out the venue & get ready for soundcheck. Had a chance to chat with Jim Pitulski backstage some more after soundcheck while the guys were getting ready, & got to meet a whole bunch of people who I wish I'd had more time to hang out with..dammit! The guys put on another awesome set, to an even more energetic crowd (the show sold out that afternoon, it seems 400 of the 1100 tickets were sold that day alone); I was lucky enough to watch the show from the mixing board & it was simply excellent.
Hung out on the bus with the guys for the rest of the night, they came out 3 different times to talk to the fans & sign autographs & were really flattered by the reaction from the fans (the bus door would open, one of them would peek their face out, & the crowd would yell was wild). Got to talk with them (or in some cases, just listen to them talk) about everything from classical composers to movie directors, & had a chance to form more of a friendship with all of was a great night, & I hated to leave. The bus was scheduled to pull out at 1am to head for the next show, so around 12:30am I finally bid the guys farewell & went on my merry way..I miss them already! Will see them again this Friday in San Francisco, & I can't wait. :)

Oh, and my pics will be up on the web by tonight; I picked them up earlier and just need to scan them this afternoon. I'll ppst the URL once they're up & ready for viewing. :)

Jax<--still recovering from such a great weekend :)
Hey Jax ''before I finnish reading your post :lol:'' let me thank you for asking Michael if they would ever be in Puerto Rico :D
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
Hey Jax ''before I finnish reading your post :lol:'' let me thank you for asking Michael if they would ever be in Puerto Rico :D

You're welcome :)
Damn, I knew I should of gone to the Chicago show, it's been a while since I've entertained you. :p I have finals this week so I had to study plus I couldn't give two shits about Blind Guardian. Oh well, if they do a headlining tour this winter, I won't miss that for the world.
The show in chicago was definately an amazing experience. I drove up there with a few of my friends from Purdue U. and we waited outside for 5 hours and 30 minutes before the show. (Yes, we were the first ones in line) While we were waiting out there I noticed that almost the entire crowd was there not for Symphony X, but for Blind Guardian. Not being a very big fan of BG, I decided to do my best to make this an unforgetable night for SX. Once the show started, my friends and I wouldn't shut up. We started chants whenever we could (we could barely speak after the show). When Symphony X finished rocking us, (and we finished trying to convince them to play "The Oddyssey"... Russell Allen laughed at us!) I went out to the lobby to buy my tour shirt and let the BG fans take my spot right in front of the stage. As a side note, they were out of Oddyssey shirts in my size, so I had to settle for a V shirt instead. Not that V was a bad album by any means, but I was there for the tour just after the Oddyssey and I can get a V shirt off the internet.

Anywho, back to the story. After I bought the shirt, I noticed LePond standing in the lobby talking to someone, so I went up to him and after the other guy left, I started talking to him about basses and his influences. It was great to talk to him because he's so down to earth, but I also realized that the whole band was just like soon afterwards. LePond gave me a picture of the band, a poster, and a great conversation that I'm sure to remember for a while to come. I also talked to Michael Romeo about just how he created the score for the Oddyssey and I can say, that man was determined with all the time that work took.

In short, the show was amazing, and I can't wait until the headlining tour next year! I just hope that the band keeps appreciating their fans because next to their music, that's their best quality.
