My impressions of the Symphony X show at Jaxx last night


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Last night my brother and I took the 4 hour trip to Northern Virginia to see Symphony X with Devin Townsend. Local openers were Odin's Court, Ephemeral Sun and Brave.

I don't particularly care for Jaxx (the venue). The main problem is that the stage is so low, it's like a foot above the floor. So all you can see are the bandmembers' heads above the crowd. Not good if you want to watch Michael Romeo's fingers obliterate the fretboard.

Odin's Court started off the night in fine metal fashion. They seemed to be a potent blend of prog/power metal with searing guitar. They cloused with a rousing rendition of Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law".

Ephemeral Sun followed. It was their first public performance. This band is simply unclassifiable. They have a unique sound that blends together many genres. There are elements of prog, doom, gothic and jazz. They had a female vocalist who had a nice ethereal voice, though perhaps a bit underutilized. The songs were very complex and featured some absolutely jaw-dropping keyboard pyrotechnics. A couple of the songs were a bit awkward, but overall they left a good impression on me. At their best moments, Ephemeral Sun was absolutely captivating.

Brave was next. I did not even realize Brave was playing until I checked Jaxx's website the day of the show. It was a nice suprise and a little extra something to look forward to as I made my trip. I have had their album "Searching for the Sun" for quite some time and enjoyed it modestly. Nothing would prepare me for the awesomeness of Brave's performance. Brave is also a band that combines diverse styles into a unique sound. They have metal and prog elements, but they also have a lot of pop and have a sound that is accessible though too damn good for mass consumption. They are fronted by Michelle Loose, who also plays keyboards. They recently added a violinist to their band, which provides an exciting new texture to their sound. Brave tore through a set of old and new and met with an enormous crowd response. I was in aural ecstasy for their duration of their set, suprised and amazed at just how good they were. The musicianship was tight, the songs were instantly memorable and fulfilling and Michelle's strong, beautiful vocals were otherworldly. She had great charisma and presence on stage. The violiln/guitar duels were extremely enjoyable. They have a new album out in the spring... I can't wait for that... and I hope I get to see this great band again soon.

Next came Devin Townsend. I love much of his work and was excited to see this musical visionary in action. However, I met with massive disappointment. Firstly, I was disappointed with the setlist. I love much of Devin's work, but there is also some stuff of his that I hate. Unfortunately, he drew much of his setlist from the latter. However, it wouldn't have mattered much if he did play all my favorite songs, because his performance was atrocious. Even "Life" was ruined by his weak vocals, superfluous vulgarity, idiotic and unfunny comments and his inability to reproduce his studio wizadry live. Devin's stage persona is contrived, offensive and seriously stupid. He was a big letdown after the excellent performances by the three local bands. I doubt he won over many fans with his loathesome performance. I will not be watching him when I see Symphony X again in a couple weeks in Pittsburgh.

Symphony X redeemed the night with a high-energy performance of favorites and Odyssey tunes. Russell was the consummate showman, and was quite humble and appreciative. He was the anti-Devin. :lol: Rullo's drumming was exceptionally entertaining. They closed with "The Odyssey", their magnum opus. I really earned a new appreciation of that work of art. It is incredible to think of the work that Symphony X put into composing and performing that masterpiece. I was entranced by the band for the entirity of that 20+ minute epic. At the end of the song, the crowd exploded in rapturous appreciation. We are so lucky to have a band like this. My only complaint was the volume. I don't understand why headliners must always have head-splitting volume. I thought the sound for Brave was perfect. Oh well, my earplugs saved the day.

Overall, it was an excellent evening of metallic merriment.
ProgMetalFan said:
Odin's Court started off the night in fine metal fashion. They seemed to be a potent blend of prog/power metal with searing guitar. They cloused with a rousing rendition of Judas Priest's "Breaking the Law".
Thanks for the review! Have any more details to add about our performance?
Wow PMF, I'm suprised you didn't get more into Dev's performance. I liked his stage presence, at Toad's he was sarcastic and very funny, but still warm and inviting, and the Away/Deep Peace medley was a highlight for me. His vocals were really strong when I saw him, maybe you caught him on a bad night.
Devin didn't do an Away/Deep Peace medley at Jaxx because he broke his effects board or something... he replaced with "Deadhead"... which was rather dull in concert
I thought that show was incredible....

Odin's court: I showed up late so only caught the last 3 songs or so, it was good stuff though.

Next Band: There was only a span of about 60 seconds where i actually truly really enjoyed this band. It was some musical interlude in the middle of a song. And their keyboardist was really impressive as well. Aside from that, I thought the band was pretty bad. They didnt put on a great show, and the vocals were pretty...terrible...both a combination of her vocal lines and the performance. I liked the idea of incorporating different styles into their music, but the bad vocals ruined it for me.

Brave: Bravo. Awesome band, badass violin player....

Devin Townsend: I'd heard of him before, but never actually listened to any music of his before seeing him live. Outside of the venue while waiting online him and 2 others approached me and asked me to take a picture of them. I had no idea it was him at the time, being as i'd never seen him before...anyways i thought his vulgarity was pretty damned funny. I really don't have any studio recordings to compare his performance to, but i really enjoyed it. Oh yeah, and that guy who was in the front row right in front of devin being all crazy and headbanging and "playing" the drum fills and moving his hands all theatrical-like with the music was awesome.

Symphony X: Orgasm....

Overall I didnt like the venue either...If the stage was raised a foot or so higher I wouldve been happy. I was in the 5th row of people back and I had trouble getting pictures. And I'm 6'1" and not used to people being taller than me, but in the center I was surrounded by these freakin tall guys...still a great show though
ProgMetalFan said:
Devin didn't do an Away/Deep Peace medley at Jaxx because he broke his effects board or something... he replaced with "Deadhead"... which was rather dull in concert
I'm sorry you missed that, that medley was the highlight of his performance for me. Especially the way it went into DP, he did some extended soloing at the end of Away (with amazing lead tone) that went into the solo section of DP before entering DP's chorus.
PMF: you think it was loud at Jaxx, you should have been at ProgPower, which was painfully loud. This was nice and quiet in comparison. heh. Yeah, the stage is a bit low (my pictures are all heads, and I was up in the bar area), but what Jay *really* needs to invest in is another air conditioner, because that place is SO hot and sweaty. I know a lot of people were leaving the audience for 10-20 minute stretches to come back out to the dining area just to cool off.

But it was a very good, very smooth show. I had people standing behind me who'd never seen/heard SX before who really enjoyed it.
Symphony X had a good show. "Of Sins and Shadows" particularly rocked. I must say, though, that the pace of the songs was almost too fast for my tasted; it was like they were trying to finish as fast as possible. Also, I don't even think they played 1.5 hours. Another song or 2 would've been nice.
Force10 said:
Symphony X had a good show. "Of Sins and Shadows" particularly rocked. I must say, though, that the pace of the songs was almost too fast for my tasted; it was like they were trying to finish as fast as possible. Also, I don't even think they played 1.5 hours. Another song or 2 would've been nice.

word... I would have liked a slower performance and more songs too...
About their performance being fast, I picked up a discarded original setlist off the stage. It was the same setlist that they played, except with the addition of Accolade 1 and Out of the Ashes. Maybe they had to rush because of all the opening bands.

I'll just quickly list the highlights of that night for me. I am beyond happy about Friday night. :)

1) My friend and I got there early to be up front. We met a really cool guy while waiting in line. We had the same sense of humor and were talking that entire night.

2) The Odyssey. That song is even more beautiful live than I ever could have imagined! My God, their performance that night was amazing.

3) Lepond and Russell remembered my friend and I from the last show they played here, all the way back in March!! We're the "crazy" girls up in front. :D :headbang:
I was there. Yes, I did think Devin and Symphony were way too loud, but SX still put on a great show. I think they sounded way better than they did in March.

And matt...Odins Court was awesome. You guys were well received by all the people around me. Everybody really dug the Breaking the Law cover. It was nice to be able to CLEARLY hear all the notes in the guitar solos.

Those pictures posted are arm is in one of them...the hairy one with the watch...yes, thats it.