My new artist profile * 25/09/13: update

Looks very nice, Stefan.
I wasn't aware of this site (I'm not a musician/drummer) but the drummers among us should really check it out!
Stefan received something new...!

"Awesome!!! New bronze from Istanbul today! Best cymbal company in the world hands down! :) "

From Stefan:

"Drum buddies and friends!

Check out the new Istanbul Mehmet Cymbals website. Tons of info/videos/sound clips, a huge selection of cymbal series and models and my brand new artist profile featuring an updated bio and gear specs, videos and all kinds of stuff!"

Here's the link:
They are beautiful cymbals. My Sabians look absolutely assembly line, but my dry ride zildjian K is awesome for at home playing. I couldn't imagine how much you spent on your whole kit - $10k+ USD? At least you get to call it a business expense - LOL.

I checked out the recent SW drumming on youtube. Wow, Stefan's a perfect fit for the band. I hope the fans are appreciating all the work you've done to keep SW going strong, I certainly do. See you at ProgPowerUSA!