New Ayreon album in the works

The last two didn't really knock my socks off. It's not that I won't blind buy, but I feel like the magic's slipping away.
The last two didn't really knock my socks off. It's not that I won't blind buy, but I feel like the magic's slipping away.

Agreed. Theory of Everything just was a disjointed mess, and I was VERY disappointed in it. 00101.... whatever it was.... Was fine, but not nearly as strong as "Human Equation".
See, now, I wasn't wowed much with "The Human Equation", but LOVED the incredible "01011001". I rank "01011001" right behind my favorite Ayreon masterpiece "The Dream Sequencer". I also really liked his "solo" piece "Lost In The New Real". "Theory Of Everything" was....interesting? But that won't stop me from picking up this new outing...I'm a fanboy.
I like 01011001. Theory of Everything I couldn't get into at all. Still, Arjen's Ayreon track record is rock solid minus that one disc and I'll be buying the new one as soon as its available.

I place the albums in this order, with #2-#4 tightly bunched together.

1. The Dream Sequencer
2. The Human Equation
3. Actual Fantasy
4. The Electric Castle
5. 01011001
6. Final Experiment
7. Flight of the Migrator

a distant #8. Theory of Everything
The last two didn't really knock my socks off. It's not that I won't blind buy, but I feel like the magic's slipping away.

Agreed. Theory of Everything just was a disjointed mess, and I was VERY disappointed in it. 00101.... whatever it was.... Was fine, but not nearly as strong as "Human Equation".

The Human Equation is the perfect Album. '01101010010100101' Didn't do it for me as far as story or songs. There's some good on there but I don't really go back to it. The Theory of Everything however, is almost as good as THE, to me. I LOVE the story, I LOVE the music, and I LOVE the premise and ending.
I don't have a good answer for you. It isn't bad by any means, it just never grabbed me in the same way as the others.

Fair. One doesn't always know why something doesn't land with force.

The Human Equation is the perfect Album. '01101010010100101' Didn't do it for me as far as story or songs. There's some good on there but I don't really go back to it. The Theory of Everything however, is almost as good as THE, to me. I LOVE the story, I LOVE the music, and I LOVE the premise and ending.

There are some really good songs on '01101010010100101', but it's punctuated with very not great songs that just seep digital-age paranoia (like the online dating thing, just sounds like an old man ranting). I probably do owe Theory of Everything a new visit, though. It's been a long time since my initial lukewarm reaction.
I rank 01011001 pretty much at the bottom for me. My play count for that Aryeon album is far lower than any of the others. I wasn't sure about Theory of Everything after my first listen, but it's actually one of my favorites now. I've listened to it in it's entirety quite a few times now. It's just not broken up into complete songs like Human Equation was, but more of an organic flow. I think it's brilliant, but can see how people don't get into it.

I get a Star One vibe from the teaser, so I guess we'll see where it goes. I'm sure there will be a lot of clips posted here before it's released.
Singer number two is seemingly Tommy from BtBaM. That's an exciting choice for a new guest on Ayreon stuff.

Thank you for qualifying that statement as your opinion so that no matter how wrong it is, I have to respect it. :p
I know my opinion on DT is fringe to most people so I try to make it obvious that it's my opinion. I don't want my house burned down by rabid DT fanboys. They're a dangerous nerdmob!
Singer number two is seemingly Tommy from BtBaM. That's an exciting choice for a new guest on Ayreon stuff.

I'm biased, but yeah I think so. I didn't expect him to be the kind of vocalist that Arjen would seek out, but I'm glad he did. Now I can speculate about how the "Night Owls" from the Parallax albums and Ayreon's "Forever" race are really the same being, just toying with humanity in different ways.