New Sabaton Details Have Me Skeptical...

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
SABATON: New Album Details Revealed - Feb. 15, 2012
"Carolus Rex", the new album from Swedish metallers SABATON, will be released in Europe on May 25 via Nuclear Blast Records. The lyrics for the CD deal with the Swedish Empire (referring to the Kingdom of Sweden between 1561 and 1721) and are sung entirely in Swedish.

Commented the band: "For the first time ever we have had an expert to help us out with the theme, the well-known Swedish historian Bengt Liljegren. We have also added some extra time in the studio to find the absolute right sound on 'Carolus Rex', and our producer, Peter Tägtgren, says that this album will mark a brand new standard for how a heavy metal album should sound like!"

Liljegren's previously published works include acclaimed biographies of Adolf Hitler and Karl XII. He also appeared in the popular Swedish TV series "Boston Tea Party".

"Carolus Rex" track listing:

01. Dominium Maris Baltici
02. Lejonet Från Norden
03. Gott Mit Uns
04. En Livstid I Krig
05. 1 6 4 8
06. Karolinens Bön
07. Carolus Rex
08. Ett Slag Färgat Rött
09. Poltava
10. Konungens Likfärd
11. Ruina Imperii

The "Carolus Rex" cover artwork can be seen below.

The album's release will be followed by a two-year world tour.


I'm unsure of this. Coat of Arms was a decent album, I think. It was a step down from the greatness that was Art of War, but it was a formidable album.

Now, the band is getting a bit out there. I appreciate them bringing more Swedish history into their sound. They sing about Germany so much, I'm sure people think they actually are from Sweden. But the songs being sung in Swedish have me feeling a bit skeptical. Sabaton's appeal to me has been the singalong aspect of their songs. I don't speak Swedish, so it takes away that aspect of their music. I'll still buy it and hope that it's awesome, though.
I would have to listen to it first before I bought it. But the Swedish does not scare me that much.
I don't mind. I like that I can sing along in English, yeah, but I find that when someone speaks their native language there's a bit more emotion involved. I've heard them all speak in Swedish and they're clearly able to express themselves more clearly, so I think it will sound beautiful. Looking forward to it!
SABATON: New Album Details Revealed - Feb. 15, 2012
Sabaton's appeal to me has been the singalong aspect of their songs. I don't speak Swedish, so it takes away that aspect of their music. I'll still buy it and hope that it's awesome, though.

Yup - although I enjoy the Faroese in Tyr's works, and the Hebrew in Orphaned Land, those forays are periodic, and do not take over the entire work. I also enjoy Sabaton songs in that the lyrics make me look into the history of the story a bit more - this will not be available to me as much... but I am just being a selfish American/English Speaker.
I don't speak Swedish, so it takes away that aspect of their music.

I generally like albums sung in other languages. Obviously I miss out on the meaning of the words, but then the voice becomes a true instrument as the words are irrelevant and I spend more time focused on the musicianship rather than the meaning of the song.

Regardless, the next Sabaton would be an instant buy for me anyway.

To me, Sabaton is all about the live show. I think songwriting-wise they're not the strongest band in the world. One trick pony? Maybe. I personally can't listen to an entire album of theirs (I owe a couple), but I can go see them live and still enjoy the hell out of their shows.

Let's all remember that the crowd adds to the live performance. If the crowd can't sing the songs because they're in a different language, I guarantee the reaction will be a bit more lukewarm rather than explosive.

I was hoping Sabaton would do something different for this album, but in regards to their songwriting. I think their formula is getting old and people can only hear the same album so many times. The lyrics in Swedish are cool and all, but not sure if it's enough. Obviously, that's just an opinion of mine. I will check this album out for sure, but will only commit to buying it after I decide whether I like it enough or not.
How do you know for sure? :lol::lol:

Well they sure do SOUND like they know what eachother is talking about! :lol:

And I agree with the fact that they're mostly about the live show, but you know, I think that perhaps if he's singing in Swedish you might see a different side to his singing. He's a pretty good vocalist and I'm looking forward to hearing if he has some more tricks up his sleeve! That, and a new producer might mean new music. I love their albums, but often it definitely sounds like the same 5 songs rehashed over and over.

So yeah, we'll see. I know I'll buy it because I love these guys.. we'll be playing with them twice on our tour! lol
How do you know for sure? :lol::lol:

Then again, it could be worse. They could be Danish! :lol: Not even the Danes can properly understand each other... right Claus? :loco:

No one understands Danish...Claus and I just pretend to be able to communicate, when we mutter ridiculous sounds to each other on the phone....o_O

We all agree that Sabaton are Swedes, right?
Wow this Swedish business is a HUGE mistake IMO. I don't get it at all. the whole selling point of the band is the singalong aspect and you're taking that away from the non Swedish fans? Bizarre decision. By the way whilst the Falconer album was ok, the Swedish lyrics made it less enjoyable for me especially when they tagged on English sung versions of a couple of the songs on the Ltd ed and they were awesome and made you want to hear the whole thing in English. These barmy Swedes must have been on the liquor one night or something cause this doesn't make sense at all to me!
I think this is great. With so many Swedish bands and so few Swedish lyrics, I'm glad that some bands are starting to appreciate their own language too. And the Swedish Empire is excellent and woefully overlooked source material for metal lyrics.
hahaha, this is such a funny thread. They are SWEDISH so let them sing in their native tongue on an album it really isn't the end of the world. Don't buy it you don't want to because if you speak anything OTHER than Swedish they obviously know you might not purchase, but obviously they don't care. They are tackling their own country's history and heritage i assume in the aspect of war. To me it would be kind of dishonest to not sing about it in their native tongue. i mean they are 5 ALBUMS into their career cut them some freaking slack people. Plus, put yourself in the shoes of metal fans the world over who cannot speak English. The English speaking people of the world ARE NOT the center of the Universe. ;)
hahaha, this is such a funny thread. They are SWEDISH so let them sing in their native tongue on an album it really isn't the end of the world. Don't buy it you don't want to because if you speak anything OTHER than Swedish they obviously know you might not purchase, but obviously they don't care. They are tackling their own country's history and heritage i assume in the aspect of war. To me it would be kind of dishonest to not sing about it in their native tongue. i mean they are 5 ALBUMS into their career cut them some freaking slack people. Plus, put yourself in the shoes of metal fans the world over who cannot speak English. The English speaking people of the world ARE NOT the center of the Universe. ;)

Btw, the ;) at the end of your post does not make your post/opinion come off any less abrasive to me.
