new samples/clips (including some of my favorites so far)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I'm just upating my sample pack (all the owners should download the latest version in about 45 mins).

I'm really liking the newly added samples a lot...
here's a little teaser for you so you can judge it yourselves:


All the drums (well, except overheads of course) are 100% samples, triggered with TRIGGER (the sample pack incldes the TCIs)
Kick is the new: WetSlap+
Snare is FatKnock+
Toms are the rarefaction toms.

no post EQ etc of course, everything directly from trigger (plus a little bit of reverb from PT).
The tom pack is still not finished or available (dudes, I've got something coming there...including 5 toms Pearl Masters Custom etc ;) ), but I've added these toms (rarefaction toms) to the drum pack already.

Here it is with 2 rough tracks of guits added...don't judge the guits, I just added these two rough tracks in case you need something to judge the drumsounds

drums+rough guits

bear in mind, these are no "mixes" by any means, I just threw them together real quick for you to judge the samples.....not the "mix" :D
yeah, just fixed the second link.

I have yet to get my automailer thing to work, so far I cannot guarantee that everyone gets a mail with the info...but well, you've read it here, so you know to re-download in like 40 mins ;)
I really dig em. You don't happen to keep photos documenting the process at all do you? It'd be cool to get a thread or video of you making your samples.
I really dig em. You don't happen to keep photos documenting the process at all do you? It'd be cool to get a thread or video of you making your samples.

sorry, don't have anything like that.
I think the snare was a DW though, mic'd with pr30 on top, m201 on top (about 8dB lower), sm57 at the bottom.

Bottom mic has Waves SSL on it .
all those bussed to an aux with more SSl on it.
then I've used the same chain with slightly different settings and loads of distressor compression and added that track to the other one (parallel compression/processing).

Kick was...damn, I forgot the model :( mainly D6 though, some 421 I think.
Processing again a mixture of SSL, distressor, Digirack EQ
If only I had that NEEDS MORE SSL picture.

Seriously though Lasse, they sound amazing and I think I'm going to grab that kick and snare!
the toms are in the drum pack...
did you get snare and kick links seperately?
you should have gotten the entire drum pack link...
PM me your email addy and I'll send you that one