new Testament album on the way

I'm guessing shit.

I'm sad to be so negative to all these reunion releases, but they've made the bed so they'll sleep in it.

EDIT: Alex Skolnick in on it, which is killer since he cares more about what's fuckin killer than what's hip in the metal scene nowadays, and mr Bostaph punding, which is also good... Will at least give it a listen on release, which is more than the latest Exodus earned.
The only album I really like (and it's not exactly among my favorites) is The Legacy at this point, though The New Order had its moments. I used to like The Gathering well enough a few years ago, but I don't care for it now. So yeah, I'm not expecting much from it.
hmm ... wonder what direction they're going.

The Gathering was great in a more "aggresive" almost DM way ... but I like me Testament more melodic
But the Death Metal was a step back from Demonic, almost like a compromise with the style experimented therein. It will be interesting to see where they go from there.
But the Death Metal was a step back from Demonic, almost like a compromise with the style experimented therein. It will be interesting to see where they go from there.

i wasn't a big fan of The Gathering either, as competent as it was, and with all the big names involved ... it was a bit messy.
Well Andy Sneap is mixing it, so at the very least we'll know they'll sound like every other band out there right now. Ugh.
A New Testament album?


Ah fuck it, it's been done already.
Whenever Cara wears her Testament shirt out somewhere, it always gets the crazy folk into starting conversations with her (often about Jesus!)
I don't know if this is technically a "reunion". Testament went through so much crap since their last album that they didn't have time for anything else. This is more like a LONG wait between albums. Either way, I think it will be very good. I give it an 8.5/10. I might change that after hearing it, though.