new Testament album update

Sep 13, 2002
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I think it's time for another update. :headbang:

so TL and Deadly Embrace, could u tell us how the new album is progressing. maybe u could ask Eric to post an update in the Eric's lair section? :Spin:

NP: Testament - Electric Crown :headbang:
Actually, I managed to catch Eric on the IM about 2 weeks ago, and he said had 9 skeletons in the closet. I heard from someone else after last weekends show that Eric had another skeleton.
Does that mean we'll get the new album this year? The earliest plans (after Chuck had fully recovered) were to release it in 2002 (I believe Chuck said that on the FSSD japaneese version bonus CD), then early 2003, summer 2003, fall 2003... And I've recently heard that it may not be released until next year. What is true then?
It's a pity they don't make an album each year like between 1987 and 1994 ('91- video). I know there was a lot of bad things happening and testament's doing their best to make the album perfect and that takes time, that all guys have their families and stuff and they had to tour...but it'd be nice if they were more productive. I mean, they're not getting younger and I hope their final legacy will consist of at least 20 great records.
Shit, does it sound like if I were complaining? Well, it shouldn't. I just wanted to say I'm very excited and can't wait to get the new album! And maybe I drunk too much and didn't express it properly
I have no idea. TL or DE would have a better idea. I thought the plan was by the end of the year, but again, I don't know for sure. I think that the plan prolly got messed up when the Metal Gods tour fell apart. It sounded like they might be playing some new songs on tour this summer, so cross your fingers.
High Priest Of Evil said:
I know there was a lot of bad things happening and testament's doing their best to make the album perfect and that takes time, that all guys have their families and stuff and they had to tour...but it'd be nice if they were more productive. I mean, and I hope their final legacy will consist of at least 20 great records.
Shit, does it sound like if I were complaining? Well, it shouldn't. I just wanted to say I'm very excited and can't wait to get the new album! And maybe I drunk too much and didn't express it properly

Yes, you are complaining. They are working on new stuff, and if anything new comes up, it is always announced here or on the site. Why keep posting "they're working on it," for the million-teenth time???

Real nice observation, too... hey guys, did you hear that? "You're not getting younger!" :Smug:

I agree with Insania's advice!!!
Testament Legions said:
Totally. Something like that goes without saying. It's a fact, but jeez, to rub it in... that's not nice. We're all getting older, but we don't like to think about it, eh?
Agreed. I personally hit the big 40 last month. Still feel the same as I did when I was say uh, (hold on-sinility (sp) is setting in) 20.