New TV shows for the Fall

24 for sure I miss it every year so I end up buying the season on DVD. I'm currantly going thro Season II.

As for other shows, nothing really has grabbed my attention.

Who watchs the Joe Schmo Show, I think it's outlarious. Has me rolling what this Joe does and what happens to him :D
From what I can gather, the new 24 will be based on some virus attack...

I think I'll be checking out the new season of CSI too, and maybe that Eliza Dushku thing where she speaks to the dead.
JayKeeley said:
From what I can gather, the new 24 will be based on some virus attack...

I think I'll be checking out the new season of CSI too, and maybe that Eliza Dushku thing where she speaks to the dead.
Hey Jay, no real reply, I just wanted to send you a :wave:, and a quick apology for my new home and work and everything taking up so much of my time. :cry:
Just saw the first preview, yes, it appears to be of a bioterrorist nature. I remember last season how impressed I was with how current the show was, given the US political climate at the time.

That 70s Show
This show rules. I watched one of the original episodes some years back by accident because I thought it looked lame as hell. Laughed my ass off and have been hooked since.

The Simpsons
What else can you say? Although I rarely catch new episodes, I do watch the reruns nightly.
NAD said:
Just saw the first preview, yes, it appears to be of a bioterrorist nature. I remember last season how impressed I was with how current the show was, given the US political climate at the time.
Oh man, that's true - if the producers of 24 have the inside scoop, then what does that say for our future saftey? An outbreak of ebola? A new batch of anthrax?

New season of Crank Yankers too!
The preview trailer of 24 (on their web site) for season three depicts a drug cartel that is distributing coke laced with an infectious virus - or something like that. In the trailer, Palmer is back, Kim is dating a CTU agent who is Jack's right hand man (new character) and a whole load of Columbians are pissed off. Apart from that, I too will have to wait until October 28th for the premiere of 24 - which will be shown with no commercial breaks.

CSI - superb show. I hear that CBS have greenlit a third franchise of this show for 2004.

The Shield is such a great television show, filmed on a showstring budget with great stories, action and characters. Each episode is a real gem. I bought season one on DVD and the show totally blew me away. Season Two which has just finished airing in the UK was fantastic. One question though. The money, is it fake?

Chief B
I knew David Palmer would survive the deadly handshake from the end of season 2, but did they really have to confirm that already by showing him alive and well in the trailer for season 3?

Trailers are so dumb when they give the endings away. :mad:
Alias is another great show which I am dying to see.

The US has created some brilliant tv shows which have become global successes such as CSI, 24, Alias and The West Wing but in the UK, all we seem to get is Eastenders (soap opera) and The Bill (Police soap opera). UK and US viewing habits are really odd. We (UK), place soaps into the prime time slots whereas the US, place dramas at prime time and relegate soaps to daytime schedules. The UK really are a nation of kitchen-sink addicts.

Dirty Den is back in Eastenders and I must admit,I have begun watching this soap, and it is very addictive.
JayKeeley said:
I knew David Palmer would survive the deadly handshake from the end of season 2, but did they really have to confirm that already by showing him alive and well in the trailer for season 3?

Trailers are so dumb when they give the endings away. :mad:
Yeah, they killed the suspense from last season's closer, that sucked.
It's not the fall, but I didn't feel like starting a new thread.

So, anyone catch the first episode of Committed? Freakin' hilarious, I thought. My new favorite sitcom, just based on this one episode (mainly because sitcoms suck these days, for the most part).

That is all. How bout that USC/OK game?
Haha, funny how annual threads can be recycled.

I have to admit, I'm getting sucked into "Lost". I missed the first bunch of episodes, but then I caught it one day and was quite surprised at how good it was.

Another really good show these days is "House". I just like the lead guy, Hugh Laurie, he's such a good actor. Of course he was brilliant back in his Blackadder days too.