New Years Resolutions?


The Professor was right
Dec 11, 2005
Seattle, WA
There was this question in the survey that Jax posted a while back, but i thought that it'd be interesting to find out what people are realistically expecting to accomplish during the new year.

I have put a lot of thought into mine, since I've never had a legitimate new years resolution that amounted to jack shit. I thought about the whole diet/weight loss thing, but that's cliche and I know that won't motivate me any more than I am now, plus i'll just feel like a failure.

Another thing that crossed my mind was to have a band-related resolution. Get the album recorded and out, tour, etc. but again, that's dependent on four people other than myself. Saying that i get in a financial place to afford the aforementioned things would be good, except that's more something you just do, regardless of if it is "comfortable" or not.

So finally, after much internal debate I settled on something that I feel will be both attainable and reasonable. For my New Years Resolution, I am going to eat more animal innards.

So, what about you guys?
I never make New Years resolutions either, but damn if I dont hope this new year is better than last year or the past 4... or 8 for that matter, yikes! Actually life is great now but work sucks making it hard to enjoy the good life. Feast and famine, never thought I'd have both at the same time... what an unbalanced diet. So perhaps my new year resolution should be to endure more anguish, because that which does not kill you will surely piss you off......

prosperous wishes to all !
Lose 10 more guitar...start recording again...stop doing swedish snus...continue working out and running...not resolutions, just normal stuff...nothing I'll beat myself up over...that's not healthy.

Resolutions only set you up for disappointment.
I should elaborate to point out that i mean animal innards to make dishes such as blood sausage, haggis (that'll be my december goal to work up to), etc. Not like... steak. Though i want to eat plenty of that too.

Yes, I figured. Stuff like black/blood pudding (blood sausage... except it's not in a sausage, I guess) are very common in Sweden/Scandinavia as are most "normal" dishes based on innards.

Not to mention leverpastej ( ) is as common as cheese on the sandwich here.

It's a fucking waste not to eat innards and offal, really. If we kill animals for food we might as well make the most of them.
I don't really make new years resoultions. The closest thing i'd make to a resolution is getting back to the gym (not much time with work) and less drinking.
So many people use the new year to start a workout routine, or healthier eating. It's very hard to stick to these changes because you have to WANT it, and if you truly do want it, you'd do it before the new year. I'm not saying you won't succeed. I hope you do, man, and the best of luck! I support a heathly lifestyle decision, and once you get into it, it becomes very exciting and easier to stick with.
i joined a gym about a month or two back, but my problem is i drink too much - i have birthdays and parties and things to go to constantly! so it's not so much a new years resolution, but something i've already thought about but wanted to wait till the NYE celebrations were over, but i'm hoping to quit drinking and get fitter also. also im starting graphic design school in feb, so i hope to do well at that, and to also have enough money to pay for it.
Yes, I figured. Stuff like black/blood pudding (blood sausage... except it's not in a sausage, I guess) are very common in Sweden/Scandinavia as are most "normal" dishes based on innards.

Not to mention leverpastej ( ) is as common as cheese on the sandwich here.

It's a fucking waste not to eat innards and offal, really. If we kill animals for food we might as well make the most of them.

I have to say i was trying to figure out if you were being a smartass earlier haha.... because i am hahaa!!! But i think if what you say is true, i'd like to talk to you about dish ideas. Sweet! A mentor! haahahhaa
Hey Zach, nice thread!

Mine are probably:

Have a good and steady source of income (from which I'm not that far which makes me feel good about this new year :D) and drop out from that damn college as a result.
Resume my martial arts training.
Have more time to make/study/play music.

And of course...

Figuring out a way to not let all that keep me from hanging out and socializing more.

That's about it I guess. :)

well my 2008 resolution was to drop the weight, I did that. So my 2009 resolution is to step it up a notch at the gym. And gentlemen, its also difficult to start before the holidays when pretty much every buddy throws fatty foods at you and a shot, or glass...or in my case bottle of alcohol :p