Nightwish announce new singer!


teh shredz0r
Taken from Roadrunner Records Myspace blog:

"Anette Olzon was announced as the new singer for Nightwish today. Concurrently an audio sample of her first work with Nightwish, entitled "Eva," was released. You can see new photos of the band with the Swedish singer below and find video and more goodies at their website."



Should be interesting!

Tarja was like, the face of Nightwish, so this will be a weird experience at first I think, but it's great that they can keep going on. Why wouldn't they when they were coming to a peak in popularity?
The new single "Eva" is fucken unreal. Great song and she does a great job on the vocals. I'm looking forward to the new album, and I've never really been a fan of Nightwish, only album I really like is Oceanborn.
Well, do you honestly think anyone who liked Nightwish liked them for their music?

Well yeah, there's myself... and apparently Todd...
Surely there's at least one more person out there.
Up until "Wishmaster" I thought they were great. It was just the last two albums where they started relying too heavily on orchestration to save half-arsed songs.
So you're saying people can't listen to the band because they had a female singer?

I was always more of a fan of the music then her anyway.... as long as the new singer doesn't butcher the old material, I'll be happy
There were a few songs by Nightwish I liked but for the most part I didn't like much and that had to do with having a female vocalist. I just don't dig female vocals to much unless it is Doro!