Nightwish singer diary is up


Mar 1, 2005
Albany NY

So, it's time for me, the new vocalist, to write a studio diary about the vocal recordings for the new album.
My journey to the new album recordings finally ended quite late to a very nice studio where I was greeted by some of the guys and the engineers. Since it already was evening we just had dinner and relaxed to start the big work the day after.
There's a whole lot more up at the link from the 3 weeks of recording.

I think we can narrow it down to at least not being a native English speaker due to the broken english. ;)
We can probably narrow it down to being not a Finn too since the diary is up in Finnish also and some of the sentences sound like they are directly translated from the English diary. A native Finn wouldn't use some of those sentence structures - or maybe they're just fooling us all once again? :)
or maybe they're just fooling us all once again? :)

I was actually thinking that too. Just toss in some mistakes here and there to confuse us. I cringed at the "me & Marco" part.
Maybe it was written in english and they just did a quick translation w/o fixing anything which only makes translations even worse. I know with the english there's the occasional use of "internet slang" which makes it obvious a person wrote it and not a translation program.

Anyway, onto the content of the diaries. We know Marco has at least one solo song, there's a long'un (14 minutes), & sounds like she's "one of the guys" who actually hangs out with them and parties/drinks (something Tarja pretty much never did).

It's interesting with all the people who have to know who the singer is by now that it still hasn't leaked yet.
If she was Finnish or Scandinavian she would not have made this statement:

Since I still didn't feel so good I rested the whole morning and didn't start recording until 13.30, where we recorded what is gonna be a bonus track. A very happy, nice song that sounds very Finnish and Scandinavian to me. Worked well and we were ready with that one around 19.30. It was time to relax a bit.

So the story gets more intense and more secretive by the day.
hmmm...well I'd bet a few bucks that she's not a native speaker of English. Her "typed up English" isn't very good.

Either way, I'm sure the new song/album will be pretty neat.

She's gonna have to be her own person and really get along with those guys.

And Tuomas might have to let her contribute to the songwriting process in the future (at least some of the lyrics...). Being a hired gun only lasts for so long. He's going to have to sacrifice total artistic freedom if he wants this new singer to stick around...

does anybody know...can we just buy the new song "Eva" off the official website on May 30, or somewhere else?
hmmm...well I'd bet a few bucks that she's not a native speaker of English. Her "typed up English" isn't very good.

does anybody know...can we just buy the new song "Eva" off the official website on May 30, or somewhere else?
The webmasters have propably been translating the text back and forth a couple of times just to confuse us. I bet the guys are playing their games with fans again... maybe they are too clever for their own good...? :lol:

"Eva" will be on sale at Nuclear Blast Musicshop starting May 30th, but I don't know if other webshops will have it; propably will. At least in Finland it'll be available exclusively at but they don't accept foreign orders.

Btw. on May 10th Nuclear Blast opened a special Nightwish newspage witha coundown clock for the big news :p
Jesus Christ! When does the Finnish Paliament get involved to hold hearings on the top-secret nature of the Nightwish frontwoman search? The four horsemen should be running Finland's internal security after naming the frontwoman.
We can probably narrow it down to being not a Finn too since the diary is up in Finnish also and some of the sentences sound like they are directly translated from the English diary. A native Finn wouldn't use some of those sentence structures - or maybe they're just fooling us all once again? :)

I do not understand why people might think this diary is not from a person who speaks English as a primary language...maybe the quality of the prose here is higher than average, but the diary seems pretty much like anything else you would see as a product of the American public school system.

Meh. I could be completely wrong, too. We only have two weeks to go, right? Then all questions will be answered.
I have the sneaky suspicion that it is an unknown that is so far off the radar that she could actually be from Latin America or Asia.

But, it could be another twist and turn, and she turns out to be a Finn. I have a feeling I am going to be sick on May 29.
I do not understand why people might think this diary is not from a person who speaks English as a primary language...maybe the quality of the prose here is higher than average, but the diary seems pretty much like anything else you would see as a product of the American public school system.

I don't agree with that because the general wording is quite "proper" aside from the occasional internet slang and if the person recently came out of the American public school systems it'd be more like "So I'm the new singer.... lolz... and Im writting this up about the album..... <3 XOXOXOXOXO"
The sentences are often lengthy where most kids these days write as little as possible. The way it's written actually reminds me a lot of the sentence structures of some Japanese people I've met. English & Japanese flow very differently so that's often one of the hardest things to adapt to.
I don't agree with that because the general wording is quite "proper" aside from the occasional internet slang and if the person recently came out of the American public school systems it'd be more like "So I'm the new singer.... lolz... and Im writting this up about the album..... <3 XOXOXOXOXO"
The sentences are often lengthy where most kids these days write as little as possible. The way it's written actually reminds me a lot of the sentence structures of some Japanese people I've met. English & Japanese flow very differently so that's often one of the hardest things ro adapt to.

and the 'F' word isn't slung into every sentence either. :Smug: And also the writer uses capilization and punctuation where warranted, instead of the one long paragraph-sentence monster most high schoolers force on the rest of the American public these days. :rolleyes:

you know the type of sentence structure that just makes you want to pull your hair out every time your forced to read something in a forum or on the internet somewhere i mean jeez i cant go anywhere on the net these days without being slapped in the face with the f word or no punctuation or improper capitalization LOLOL!!!11!!11 HAIRCOREMETALROXORZ!!!

Sorry, but I couldn't bring myself to actually misspell something on purpose in all that rambling. :ill: (except 'your')
If she was Finnish or Scandinavian she would not have made this statement:

So the story gets more intense and more secretive by the day.

... Not really. Just because it sounds Scandinavian doesn't mean she isn't Scandinavian... You guys are reading into this way too much. Just wait 'till May 30th. :)
The new frontwoman is RuPaul, I tell ya! Only RuPaul has the ability to look down on Tarja and the rest of the band. lmao