Not to beat a dead horse about the lights.

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Mar 24, 2002
North Carolina
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Ok, all this talk about the Progpower DVD has brought up some negative thoughts about ProgPower 7. I realize many people have brought this up before and it seems to be swept under the rug or thought of as nitpicking or bitching about nothing. But, I wanna know will the lights be adressed this year or will it be the same as last year? I personally feel that I pay good money to see the show as does anyone else and the fact that a couple of bands, I could not watch
because the lights were literally blinding me, and many people sitting around me. I literally had blurred vision(no bullshit) during Epica, and actually left the venue and missed the whole show. I realize these lights help with photos and videos. But what about the fans? I don't want to turn this into a big debate. But, I would like to know how this will change for PP8 or not? If this has been answered already, could someone send a link. Thanks
If we do shoot a dvd next year, the lights will be there as they make a monster difference in the overall professional appearance. The upcoming dvd will be proof of that. I will look into tweaking them obviously, but I will not make any absolute promises.

I will announce it in advance of the show so that you can make plans to not attend a metal show because of lights.


Thread closed as this is not open to further discussion because all it does is irritate the fuck out of me.
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