

RI Porch Commando
Oct 21, 2003
San Diego, CA
Curious what others are thinking about this fiasco.

I'll start off with a before/after composite I did after hearing her state that she has not had any "work" done:


Here's a link to another photo that is just shocking (a few days before she delivered)

When I've had a chance to collect my temper and my thoughts in a more rational perspective, I'll post more... for now, I would love to learn what others are thinking about it, though.
I would object less to someone deliberately having 14 kids if she wasn't -already- 50k in debt before the cost of the delivery and care ($1.3 million-ish?) and depending on the grace of others to pay for their care. She had no business having the IVF treatment done under those incredibly irresponsible circumstances.
I think that it's just plain retarded to have IVF treatments done when it's clear that you are already capable of having children.
That sort of thing should be illegal.
This goes right back to what I have been saying for years:
If you have to pass a test to get a license just to operate a motor vehicle, why in the hell can't we employ the same idea to people like this crazy lady, or that Duggar family, who seem to think that the vagina is a fuckin' clown car???
She seriously needs psychiatric help! How could you even think of cosmetic surgery or even give a shit about your appearance much less put yourself at risk after giving birth to 8 babies? And some of the babies are not even out of the woods yet. Someone needs to slap her hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She seriously needs psychiatric help! How could you even think of cosmetic surgery or even give a shit about your appearance much less put yourself at risk after giving birth to 8 babies? And some of the babies are not even out of the woods yet. Someone needs to slap her hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She had to do something with all that stretched skin. The docs just tossed in some lip work as a freebie.
I think the IVF doctor needs psychiatric help. He actually stated that he implanted the embryos because he felt it wasn't his place to tell people how to live their lives.

Ha Ha!

I hate to pass judgement upon someone I do not know personally , but damn...this chick is off her rocker. It's one thing to want a lot of kids, but another to have more kids when you can't provide for the ones you already have. Then assume that everyone else (tax payers) will "provide" for them when you can't. I was reading some article about how she has a boyfriend but doesn't want to get married? I can see the Match.com profile now once that guy runs for the hills. Not that I am anything close to religious and believe that marriage is required to have kids, but why would you want to be a single mother with however the Hell how many kids she has?

She will never be able to have a real job to provide for them anytime soon and will be hiring nanny's so the kids will grow up not really knowing who their mother is anyway.

Should we start a pool to guess when she is pregnant again?
She's the poster child for "damaged goods" :lol:

It's unbelievable that all parties involved allowed her to do this.
I'd be willing to bet she'll never have a stable family.
I also agree with everything said to this point.
I hope all the US taxpayers enjoy providing for these kids for the next couple decades...

(Dark J-Dub says she should be forced to e-bay 12 of them...) :heh:
Dammit, wummin!
You beat me to it...I was going to dig that pic out of my photobucket archives...
So I like the idea of a betting pool.
Here's what I wonder though:
If in football you have a point spread...with this chick do we have a leg spread?
Sadly, here in CA it *is* part of the key issues. The hospital that delivered the babies has officially requested to have the cost offset by use of the Medi-cal fund, which comes directly out of where... yep. Tax payers funds. And let's not forget that CA is issuing IOU's to tax payers in lieu of tax refunds, are unable to currently send payment to various counties for many state run programs and are voting on Saturday to increase our taxes by 14 Billion per year. How much of the budget goes to taking care of welfare bilkers and others who know how to scam the system is just unbelievable.

So. She is getting $490 per month (before the new litter) just for food, not to mention the disability payments the three "disabled" children are receiving and the past 10 years of Worker's comp claim money she has been living off of... on top of the $50K in student loans. And remember, she honestly does not believe that she is on "welfare".

Let's break this down...
• Single
• Unemployed
• Income comes from State
• Living with parents
• Chose to make sure the father has no rights before any IFV treatments performed, thusly removing a much needed masculine influence for these kids
• Already proven to be unable to adequately provide for her other children on her own

Do you think the IVF treatments were paid for by her or by tax dollars...?

I don't even want to begin to think about how much her appearance has cost us.

Geezuz I want to just explode on both her and her friggin' physician.

Cost of 7 IVF Treatments: $75,000.00
Cost of Rhinoplasty & Collagen Injections: $10,000.00
Cost of birthing Human Octuplet Litter: $2,200,000.00

Turning your vagina into a Chuck E. Cheese: PRICELESS
Let's break this down...
• Single
• Unemployed
• Income comes from State
• Living with parents
• Chose to make sure the father has no rights before any IFV treatments performed, thusly removing a much needed masculine influence for these kids
• Already proven to be unable to adequately provide for her other children on her own

Do you think the IVF treatments were paid for by her or by tax dollars...?

I don't even want to begin to think about how much her appearance has cost us.

Geezuz I want to just explode on both her and her friggin' physician.

Cost of 7 IVF Treatments: $75,000.00
Cost of Rhinoplasty & Collagen Injections: $10,000.00
Cost of birthing Human Octuplet Litter: $2,200,000.00

Turning your vagina into a Chuck E. Cheese: PRICELESS

I'm hoping she looses the kids on the grounds of neglect (or mental instability). All the money wasted on the IVF could have easily gone to raising the existing 6 kids who apparently don't live in the best of conditions. Not surprising if she only has a two bedroom house that she shares with her parents. The worst part is that with so many kids, there's no way they'll be able to stay together and even if the grandparents take some, I doubt they'd be able to support that many. Plus, the bankruptcy and sharing of the house make it hard to give them custodial rights since the mother will still have constant access. It's such a shame that really no matter what happens, these kids will never have a fully normal life.
I read one article that didn't understand why people were upset with this woman and not someone like Angelina. Well, one person has an income (a mighty nice one at that) and the other doesn't. I also find adoption to be far higher on the good deeds scale than someone who has wasted this kind of money on IVF despite being able to get pregnant the normal way. Of course, she'd never be able to adopt because she'd be under far more scrutiny of how she'd be able to take care of all these kids than just having them herself.
The fact that she doesn't even acknowledge that while "not" living on welfare (ignoring the student loans, food stamps, etc) she has fucked up her own parent's lives. They live with her because they went bankrupt helping with all the kids and paying for her house that they now share. She's just an incredibly selfish person that lives in a dream world.

The one good thing about this is that we won't be seeing a John & Kate + 8 show anytime soon featuring Nadya Suleman. The backlash has poisoned any chance for her to capitalize on it beyond these interviews. Though if she takes money for something like that now, it will just make people even more angry.
The one good thing about this is that we won't be seeing a John & Kate + 8 show anytime soon featuring Nadya Suleman. The backlash has poisoned any chance for her to capitalize on it beyond these interviews. Though if she takes money for something like that now, it will just make people even more angry.

I've been happy with all the backlash, but sadly, I bet she still makes money out of the deal. She is news right now, and there are enough dirt-thriving magazine/talk shows out there that will pay to get her on them. I agree that she's sick and I hope she gets no publicity, but I'll bet she does all right.

I also think the Dr. needs to have action taken against him. It is not up to a Dr to make decisions for a patient, but at some point common sense should step in. That's a real fine line to walk, but someone has to figure it out.

Steve in Philly
At least the family with 18 kids is debt free. I think they're crazy too, but at least their crazy doesn't cost anybody but themselves.
I've been happy with all the backlash, but sadly, I bet she still makes money out of the deal. She is news right now, and there are enough dirt-thriving magazine/talk shows out there that will pay to get her on them. I agree that she's sick and I hope she gets no publicity, but I'll bet she does all right.

I also think the Dr. needs to have action taken against him. It is not up to a Dr to make decisions for a patient, but at some point common sense should step in. That's a real fine line to walk, but someone has to figure it out.

Steve in Philly

Unfortunately a lot of people have a sick fascination with these people so who knows. I mean, she herself is obsessed with Angelina Jolie so is one of them herself. I would just hope the people that would boycott a show or station for paying this woman for an interview, tv show, or whatever would outweigh the money to be made by detracting sponsors.
As for the doctor, he should loose his license. Apparently he has another patient having quadruplets.
If she gets any money for interviews, books or her story she should be FORCED to pay back Medicare/medical and stop taking public assistance.

Good to see she spent her money wisely:rolleyes:
If she gets any money for interviews, books or her story she should be FORCED to pay back Medicare/medical and stop taking public assistance.

Good to see she spent her money wisely:rolleyes:

That's the thing. She hasn't used her money wisely for the last few years, what would suddenly make her use $2 million (the amount she wants Oprah to give her apparently) to actually care for the newborns and not just go toward more IVF babies or plastic surgery. And to think this woman is studying to be a counselor. :erk:
People are all hung up on the fact that this insane woman had 14 kids and is going to school with no job, and even moreso that she had 8 in one birth.

Something glaring us right in the face has been overlooked by everyone, and especially the media:

Is she done yet?
What everyone else said, she is selfish and extremely stupid.

Quite apart from the fact that she is leeching off the general public, there are enough kids in the world who need caring for without deliberately creating another 8.