One of my favorite things about Borknagar...

Satanic lyrics can be hilarious sometimes (Ex: Impaled Nazarene -
The lost art of goat sacrificing), although one gets tired of hearing
the same thing over and over again.

That's the good thing about the other kinds of lyrics. There is
always something new to discover, and you can immerse yourself
in the different interpretations.
Well, I could personally care less if they did sing about that stuff, but it is kinda cool that they don't. It seems that bands who feel the need to sing about satan, or evil in general often limit their music to similar styles, ones that create an "evil" or dark atmopshere. Maybe since Borknagar don't seem to particularly care about these things, they don't sing about them, and maybe that's why their music seems more diverse and majestic than bands of similar styles, since they they aren't concentrating on being evil.

However, for some bands, these "satanic bullshit" lyrics suit the music, and I find them to be an enjoyable part of the package. I think borknagar could have gone either way on the first two albums, though the last three just don't seem to have music that would suit such lyrics anyway.....
hmmm - maybe not, but I must admit I find much of Darkthrone's
lyrics interesting. If u wanna have some black inspiration,
Darkthrone could really help you find some nice words, and I
don't mean crappy, childish ones. It helps me get into a darker
mood if I want to... But then again, I'd have to look at Deicide
to get something that usually have the word Satan in it....
(well, they write God just as much, really....:D

hmmm - what the heck. Music is about moods to me, and if a some
what satanic lyric matches the song and the concept, let there
be so.... but for Borknagar I wouldn't want it either... doesn't fit

There, I'm done now.
borknagar have incredible lyrics. universal in context, they provide a continuity throughout the albums that i think is quite rare and comendable. the words simply expound the beauty of the music...
Lyrics are at least as important as the music is, they carry messages as well, expecially in case of Borknagar.

Cannot find anything likeable about most satanic lyrics, tho. And mostly neither about the music, get's boring pretty fast in these cases.
I agree with has been said by the majority: the lyrics and the music must be in a symbiosis. And if a great song has great lyrics, the outcome will become brilliant! Excellent lyrics add so much to a song. And in the case of Borknagar, the lyrics perfectly reflect the moods of the respective songs. Well done. And although Borknagar makes (or made) music that has strong black metal influences, I never considered them Satanic in any way. They are sublime nature metal (i.e. a tribute to nature), in my opinion.
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Lyrics are at least as important as the music is, they carry messages as well, expecially in case of Borknagar.

Cannot find anything likeable about most satanic lyrics, tho. And mostly neither about the music, get's boring pretty fast in these cases.

Out of curiousity, do you not like Borknagars instrumentals? Of course lyrics carry messages, though these messages are more often than not much more superficial and easy to decipher. The beauty of music is that everyone can take away something different. As I mentioned( in essence), would you pay 20 dollars or more for a great spoken word album with no music, or would you be more inclined to buy an album with great music and no words?

Hmmm....maybe this deserves another thread altogether!:lol:
Well, I have numerous recordings and CDs with just the spoken word. But not by metal bands obviously. :lol:

I agree that music can totally stand on its own. I love instrumental music very much. What I meant was: if a band decides to have vocals, then the lyrics and the way how they are delivered can add so much more to a song; and if they're bad, then they could easily ruin the whole experience. Some bands should have done without lyrics and vocalists altogether. ;)
Originally posted by Blackspirit

W00T!??!?!! What happened to you beeing
tr00 and all?! >:eek:)

I've never been really into lyrics so I don't
care. It's the music that gets to me first.
Maybe you did not get what I mean :p
I meant that I would listen to them if they had satanic lyrics and if they didnbt I would listen to them also.
Everything's great about Borknagar!! All the singers they've have have been great, all unique in their own way. It's impossible for me to say that one are better than the rest. They also have the world's best drummer!! Their lyrics are great to. If they had satanic lyrics, that wouldn't bother me, because they write so well. Satanic lyrics are just fine, as long as they don't sound just silly, like for instance some Limbonic Art lyrics do. (I mean, if all you think about is that life is a punishment, all horrible, and death a relief, then why not just fucking kill yourself and stop bothering the rest of the world with your complaints?!?!?! hehe.... oki, don't take this too seriously.) Lars is especially great at the lyrics, I think. And his music also, is awsome!!

gotta go now. if I had the time, I could have gone on for hours writing about what's great about Borkis
I agree that lyrics are very important, and Borknagar lyrics are brilliant, but i think that music is a bit more essential. For example, I love "Borknagar" - debut album though I can't understand lyrics (I unfortunately don't speak Norwegian :( )

But of course it's great when lyrics and music both are good, just like in case of Borknagar :)
Originally posted by Somber Soul
Well, I have numerous recordings and CDs with just the spoken word. But not by metal bands obviously. :lol:

I agree that music can totally stand on its own. I love instrumental music very much. What I meant was: if a band decides to have vocals, then the lyrics and the way how they are delivered can add so much more to a song; and if they're bad, then they could easily ruin the whole experience. Some bands should have done without lyrics and vocalists altogether. ;)

Right on, I have to agree here. Makes more sense now! BTW, do you seriously have CD's of spoken word that you payed for?:eek:

If so, I stand corrected! Maybe I'm missing out on something!:lol: