Opeth release dates..

Sep 1, 2001
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the following is from wickedland.com:
--Opeth Sets Dates for Upcoming Albums
Opeth will release one of their two new albums through Music For Nations at the end of October. It's being produced by Fredrik Nordstrom. As reported before, the Swedes are working on two records, one heavy and the other mellow. The second of these is expected out in March.--

Well it looks like we wont have to decide which one to get first.
Kind of takes the novelty out of it. Oh well, I guess it means the music is more important than the gimmick of it.

I still wonder if they're thinking of doing a double concept though. It'd be funny if you had to wait until March to complete it.
I'm dissapointed by the fact taht we have to wait til March for the second one, not just cause we have to wait, but I thougth it was a concept. I'm gonna be really angry if they are gonna be two totally completely different albums. I guess we will have to wait and see...
I really would prefer it to be two entirely different albums. Either two different concepts, or just two albums with no concept.

Opeth con make concpet albums great, but their non concept albums are just as amazing.

Either way, I just wish they both came out sooner.